Paisley Daily Express

Petition calls for gyms to be opened up


health and well- being of their customers.

Jen Wat t, founder of Renfrewshi­re Fit for Life, was hosting regular bootcamps outdoors and doing personal training with clients before lockdown.

Its closure has removed what was for some, the only release they had during lockdown.

“People rely on gyms, classes, bootcamps, etc to manage their mental health along with the social aspect that they bring,” she said.

“With many people working from home and homeschool­ing, their exercise session may be the only time that they have to meet others outside of their own household.”

Agreeing with the petition’s argument that it is more important than ever to maintain good physical and mental health because of the pandemic, Jen added: “Exercise is proven to be beneficial to mental health and especially in these times when we are being told that being fit and healthy will help us in the fight against Covid-19, it seems counter intuitive to close the very places that can help.

“At the very least we should be able to go back to organised outdoor exercise if this is done with social distancing and all of the other safety measures that I know we and other personal trainers put in place to keep our members safe.”

Jen, like many others in the fitness industry is offering sessions online and via Zoom to help people maintain their fitness levels at home.

But many admit it’s not the same as the outdoor sessions.

One of her members said: “I’ve found that the outdoor bootcamp has been a great escape.

“With working from home and not being able to get out as much, it’s nice to get a change of scenery and have a laugh with others while keeping fit.

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