Paisley Daily Express

School and healthcare boost delights MSP George


A Paisley politician is praising boosts to healthcare, schools and councils in the budget.

George Adam MSP, the SNP member for Paisley, said despite £2 billion cuts from Westminste­r, Holyrood committed £729 million extra for health and care services, with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde receiving £76.7m more.

And he nodded to Finance Secretary Derek Mackay’s pledge for an £ 8 billion investment in Scotland’s education system, including £120 million delivered directly to head teachers.

He also flagged up plans for local authoritie­s to receive a fair settlement, delivering a total local government budget of £11.1 billion next year – including an extra £90 million to the core spending grant.

Mr Adam said: “Wi t h Westminste­r in complete chaos, the SNP has delivered certainty and stability for Scotland’s economy with a budget that protects our cherished health service and supports our schools here in Paisley.

“I am delighted that Holyrood has given its backing to a progressiv­e budget that will help create a more prosperous and equal society for all.

“This budget confirms Scotland as the fairest taxed part of the UK, with most income tax payers paying less than they would elsewhere.

“Brexit remains the biggest threat to Scotland’s economy, which is why the Tories should rule out a no-deal outcome before it’s too late.

“This Brexit shambles simply reinforces the case for an independen­t Scotland, where we could take real control of our own future, continuing to build one of the world’s most successful economies on a firm foundation of strong and dependable public services.”

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