Paisley Daily Express

Sad end to season for Arthurlie

Stopper Hay saves the day

- Grant Hay, left, tried his best to keep the score down Cumnock.......4 Arthurlie.......0

Craig Ritchie

Arthurlie ended their season with defeat against Cumnock in a game that could have seen the scoreline doubled, but for Grant Hay’s heroics between the sticks.

The hosts started b brightest and soon put p pressure on the Arthurlie defence, with Hay having to get down well to save from James J Hilton.

Although Cumnock were on top, it was Arthurlie who could and probably should h have opened the scoring.

Good work down the right by Queen’s Park loanee l Jamie MacLennan saw him look up before t teeing up Lee Roulston, b but the youngster’s sidefooted effort went straight at Darren Johnston.

But, two minutes later, the h hosts took the lead. Marc McKenzie looked to have been fouled just outside the home penalty area but, when referee Chris Gentles waved play on, ’Nok broke at pace.

Andy Muir gathered and ran straight at the heart of the Arthurlie defence, p played a quick one-two with Scott Anson, before hitting a fierce drive past Hay from inside the box.

It was all Cumnock now, and Hilton should have done better before Hay had to be alert to deny Jamie Ballantyne.

It was now turning into a personal battle between Hay and the Cumnock forwards. The Barrhead keeper made his best save of the game to deny Anson, whose glancing header at the near post forced Hay into a fantastic reflex save.

But the second goal was coming, and it was Anson who grabbed it. A ball over the top saw the ex-Neilston frontman in acres of space before he hit a low leftfooted drive under Hay.

Next to try his luck was Keiren Wood, who hit a pile driver from the edge of the area that Hay somehow tipped over. And from the resulting corner, Hay, falling backwards, somehow managed to block an effort from Stephen McKenna on the goal-line.

Things didn’t get much better in the second half as Cumnock went further ahead.

A cross from Anson saw Arthurlie’s Hal Bohme try to get out of the way of the ball, but he only managed to deflect it past Hay.

And then it was four as good interplay from the hosts saw Hilton free on the left and his low cross came off ’ Lie’s Michael Daly, giving Hay no chance.

Things went from bad to worse for Arthurlie after Findlay’s reckless tackle earned him a straight red card.

MacLennan and Daly made way for Dom O’Halloran and Ryan Scanlon, but the game was already gone and all that remained was for the crowd at Townhead Park to marvel at Hay’s display.

A fantastic fingertip save denied McKenna on the half hour, then he got down quickly to smother an effort from Holton.

Nine minutes remained when Hay produced his best moment of the game, season, or even his career.

A ball into the penalty area saw Muir rise highest and bullet a header that Hay somehow kept out and, when the ball broke to Sean McKenzie, Hay somehow got up to block his effort too.

Paul Burns and Hilton both had great efforts before the end, but Hay produced fantastic stops to deny both and ensure there was some respectabi­lity on the score line.

Arthurlie: Hay, Girvan, S Burns, Blakey, Bohme, Roulston, McAleenan, Newlands, Mckenzie, Daly, MacLennan.

Subs: Scanlon, Mohamed, O’Halleron, Wilson and Findlay.

 ??  ?? Wheeling away Fletcher watches on as the ball drops into the net Team effort The Farmer’s Boys celebrate yet another goal Hard day
Wheeling away Fletcher watches on as the ball drops into the net Team effort The Farmer’s Boys celebrate yet another goal Hard day

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