Paisley Daily Express

Season opener

- Bowling

The bowls season is well and truly under way and the latest club to host its opening day even got some decent sunshine.

The first bowl was thrown this week at Caledonia Bowling Club in Paisley with members looking forward to an action-packed summer on the greens.

And the club invited Dougie Copland from Meiklerigg­s Bowling Club and Adam Semple from Kilbarchan Bowling Club to take part in the season opener.

Heather MacLean, the club’s vice president’s wife, threw the first bowl as her husband Cameron watched. The pair were joined at the mats by club president Michael Smith with members young and old looking on in the sunshine as the start of the outdoor season officially got under way at the Greenock Road club.

If you are interested in joining the club search Caledonia Bowling Club on Facebook or ring 0141 889 6067.

 ??  ?? Star Saints prospect Lewis Morgan is now starting for Scotland Opening day Front, from left, Dougie Copland, guest from Meiklerigg­s BC, Adam Semple, guest from Kilbarchan BC, president Michael Smith, Heather MacLean, vice president’s wife and vice...
Star Saints prospect Lewis Morgan is now starting for Scotland Opening day Front, from left, Dougie Copland, guest from Meiklerigg­s BC, Adam Semple, guest from Kilbarchan BC, president Michael Smith, Heather MacLean, vice president’s wife and vice...

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