Paisley Daily Express

Centre of attraction


Paisley town centre is now becoming a brighter and more pleasant place with all the new murals that are appearing all over the place.

I have to admit, the one in Brown’s Lane is my favourite so far, as it is all about my favourite football team Saint Mirren, who won the Scottish Cup Final in 1987.

May the murals continue to brighten up my home town.

Kenneth McMaster


It was fantastic to read of the efforts of customers and staff at Tesco in Renfrew donating to Renfrewshi­re Foodbank (Express, April 5).

Sadly there is an ever increasing need for them. They are not the answer to poverty. The Trussell Trust one of the main providers in the UK only allow three food parcels a month so folk cannot become “dependent”.

We know though that many staff provide parcels are they are aware of peoples need for very basic assistance.

On April 5, benefit cuts came into place which will affect thousands and individual­s and families having their household budget slashed and this includes those in work.

We also know many can be sancioned for months which affects their wider family

Sadly, the financial burden of women being able to afford sanitary products has been reported.

A motion to support free sanitary protection was passed by an SSP onference in 2003.

We have a long tradition of fighing poverty.

We need to fight the cuts and show how we can support each other.

The most vulnerabll­e do not not want handouts – but a hand up.

Sandra Webster Renfrewshi­re Branch Scottish Socialist Party.

The mural in Brown’s Lane is my favourite, as it is all about my favourite football team

 ??  ?? Eyecatchin­g Tony Fitzpatric­k, Frank McGarvey and Campbell Money at the striking Saints mural in Brown’s Lane
Eyecatchin­g Tony Fitzpatric­k, Frank McGarvey and Campbell Money at the striking Saints mural in Brown’s Lane

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