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Appealing Emma records thanks


ABRAVE eight-year-old girl from Ormskirk has captured the heart of many after filming a video thanking all those who have donated money for her “life-changing” surgery.

Emma Burrows was born with spastic diplegia, a type of cerebral palsy which mainly affects her legs and ability to walk.

Emma, who goes to Ormskirk Primary School, uses a wheelchair to do most things, but does her best to get around the house and school without it, by holding onto the walls or the furniture, and she can walk for very short distances on her own.

But without interventi­on, this will deteriorat­e as she grows older, potentiall­y leading to further issues

There is an operation – selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) – that could potentiall­y help her to walk unaided, but it isn’t available on the NHS, so her parents have set up a gofundme page to try to raise the £21,000 needed for her to have the operation done privately.

Her dad, Matthew Burrows, said: “Emma’s condition means she cannot control her legs properly and this stops her from doing a lot of things that most of us take for granted.

“The way we are looking at this, its an awful lot of money to raise for a couple of people, but if we can get a lot of people to donate a small amount then it should be easier.”

The page raised more than £4000 in the first 24 hours, and Emma wanted to film a video by way of a thank you.

In the footage, she says: “Thanks to all those people who gave me donations.

“I’m trying to be brave because I’m a little bit scared.”

She then tells a joke and asks viewers to subscribe to future videos via her Facebook page.

Her mum, Rachel, said: “Emma is an unbelievab­ly happy, loving and caring little girl, whose personal challenges stretch beyond her mobility issues but this operation will change her life for the better and hopefully independen­t walking is a real possibilit­y.

“Thank you everyone whose shared the page, donated or offered to help.

“We’re truly grateful and can’t believe the response we have received.”

To make a donation, go to gofundme.com/helping-emma-towalk

To watch the video, and follow Emma’s journey, visit facebook.com/


 ?? Eight-year-old Emma Burrows from Ormskirk has cerebral palsy and needs surgery that could help her walk again ??
Eight-year-old Emma Burrows from Ormskirk has cerebral palsy and needs surgery that could help her walk again

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