Olive Magazine



Meneghetti Wine Hotel & Winery, Bale

An elegant entrance lined with pine trees sets the tone for this prestigiou­s, 12-hectare estate. Red-roofed stone residences are nestled into the trees, olive groves and vines for a secluded stay. The conservato­ry restaurant serves modern takes on Istrian dishes such as ravioli with Motovun black truffle, as well as vegetables from the garden doused in olive oil, while the swish new winery hosts tastings of the estate’s award-winning wines grown in the rich red soil. meneghetti.hr

Hotel Lone, Rovinj

Set in a secluded pine forest with a beach, just a short walk to Rovinj harbour, this elegant, contempora­ry hotel is designed in the image of a cruise ship. The expansive grounds, generous buffet breakfast, multiple swimming pools and sleek, spacious rooms with large balconies overlookin­g the turquoise waters makes the hotel ideal for families. maistra.com

San Canzian Hotel & Residences, Buje

Tucked away in northern Istria’s foliage-rich hills is this medieval hamlet turned intimate boutique hotel. The 28 rooms are decorated in soft, muted tones pepped up with 15th-century vintage furniture and vibrant beeswax canvases. Elegant on-site restaurant Luciano is strategica­lly placed so guests can enjoy an aperitif from the 600-strong wine cellar as the sky turns pink over the olive trees, Adriatic Sea and Dolomites in the distance. Executive chef Pavo Klaric works homegrown and local ingredient­s into contempora­ry spins on traditiona­l Istrian dishes – polenta-crusted cod on pine nut cream, rabbit slow cooked in red wine, and agnolotti pasta filled with young Istrian curd. After a breakfast of cured ham, crumbly cheese and fruits plucked from the abundant estate, take laps of the pool or pad down to the serene spa complete with Finnish sauna and candlelit hot tub. san-canzian.hr

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