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Looking super-glam on our exclusive shoot, it’s hard to believe Kym Marsh is a grandmothe­r, but cradled in her arms is her six-week-old grandson, Teddy. ‘I love Teddy as much as I love my own children, as he’s part of my daughter,’ says the actress of Emilie Cunliffe, who’s by her side.

The Coronation Street star, who turned 43 last week, became a grandmothe­r – or Loli, as she’s chosen to be called – on May 3, when 21-year-old Emilie gave birth to her son with boyfriend Mikey Hoszowskyj, who’s also on our shoot.

The couple touchingly chose to call their son, who weighed 7lb 2oz, Teddy Archie David Hoszowskyj. Archie is named after Kym’s late son who was born 18 weeks premature in 2009, and tragically died minutes after he was born.

‘When I found out I was having a boy, I knew I wanted the name Archie to feature, but I wanted it to be a surprise for Mum,’ beautician Emilie tells OK!.

Emilie and Mikey, who live with Kym in her five-bedroom house in Warrington, cooked her a thank you meal after Teddy was born and then revealed his full name.

‘When I found out his name,

I burst into floods of tears.

Having a baby boy in the house with Archie’s name as part of his name means the world to me,’ says Kym, who’s also mum to David, 24, and Polly, eight.

Both Mikey and Kym were birthing partners for Emilie, who had a water birth at Whiston Hospital in Prescot, Lancashire, where Kym was born. ‘I was over the moon when I saw my son for the first time,’ Mikey, 28, tells us between takes on our shoot. ‘Emilie was a warrior. Watching her bring my son into the world made me love her more.’

The accountant, who also has a three-year-old daughter, Polly, from a previous relationsh­ip, adds of having Kym’s support during the labour: ‘Kym was the

best co-birthing partner I could have wished for – she was a massive support.’

Kym will be leaving the character of Michelle Connor behind after 13 years when she exits Corrie later this year and says she’s excited about what the future holds, not just in her career, but in her love life too.

The star has been dating Army major Scott Ratcliff, 31, for over a year and admits she feels very happy, telling us with a smitten smile: ‘I’ve found someone I truly love with Scott. I’ve been searching for a love like this.’

Here, Kym and Emilie open up about Teddy’s arrival, and Kym tells us all about being a grandma and why she’s never been happier... Congratula­tions! You were Emilie’s birthing partner, Kym. How was it seeing your daughter give birth? It was an amazing experience and I’m so glad Emilie and Mikey asked me to be involved. Mikey and I were very much a tag team. Mikey started getting a bit tearful at one point and I said: ‘Don’t you dare cry,’ because it was right towards the end when Emilie was in the most pain. I know it’s horrible to see someone you love in pain and it’s emotional as she was bringing his child into the world, but I knew at that moment in time Emilie needed us to be strong.

Emilie, how did you find the birth?

I had a water birth as I found the pain more manageable when I was in water. I gave birth on all fours and pushing felt like such a relief, it was the contractio­ns that hurt.

Kym: Her whole attitude was positive. What was great was Emilie didn’t have a birthing plan but she was in a midwife-led unit. In that room there was a bed and a birthing pool, so she could choose. It felt very natural.

When did your contractio­ns start?

Emilie: I started having contractio­ns on Wednesday May 1 but I was only 3cm dilated and was in mild discomfort. It wasn’t until the Friday afternoon that I went to hospital. It got to 7.30pm and the pregnancy wasn’t moving along, so they broke my waters for me and then it happened quite quickly. Teddy was born at 10.15pm. At one point the midwife told me to put my hand in the water and I could feel Teddy’s head between my legs, it was amazing.

Not everyone would want their mum in the room… Emilie: I was really pleased to have Mum there. She was rubbing my back and Mikey was feeding me gas and air. I felt like I was in a boxing match!

Who was the first to hold Teddy? Emilie: Me! After I pushed him out he floated underneath me and I pulled him from the water. Mikey was meant to cut the umbilical cord but, as I pulled him out, the cord snapped. I didn’t pull hard, so we’re still not sure why it snapped but the water turned red with blood.

Kym: I could see the panic in Emilie’s face but the midwives were calm and they took both Emilie’s and Teddy’s parts of the umbilical cord and clamped them together.

Emilie: Mikey then did skin to skin while I birthed the placenta and was stitched up – the stitches hurt more than giving birth!

Kym: I felt an absolute rush of love when I saw Teddy for the first time but I didn’t actually hold him until he came home as I was the go between – there were a lot of family outside in the corridor. My Scott even made it up for the birth! How did you choose the name Teddy? His surname is Hoszowskyj, so we didn’t want anything too long. We actually used this app, which is like Tinder for baby names, where Mikey and I both swiped names we liked and we’d get matches. We both loved Teddy.

Tell us about Teddy’s middle names…

His full name is Teddy Archie David Hoszowskyj. Archie after my late brother, and David after my brother, dad and grandfathe­r.

That’s sweet of you to include the name Archie… Emilie: When I found out I was having a boy I knew I wanted the name Archie to feature, but I wanted it to be a surprise for Mum. After he was born, we bought Mum a keyring with a picture of Teddy in it and engraved it with the message: ‘Dear Loli, thank you for everything. Love, Teddy Archie David Hoszowskyj.’ I wanted to say thank you, so Mikey and I cooked her a meal, bought her flowers and then gave her the keyring.

Kym, how does it feel having your grandson named after your late son?

I didn’t think they would, and nor should they have felt they had to. As far as I knew, he was going to be called Teddy David and I was chuffed

with the name David being in there. When I found out his name, I burst into floods of tears.

Emilie: Teddy’s birth certificat­e means a lot to Mum too as Archie never had one, nor did he have a death certificat­e, so there are no official records of his existence.

Kym: But now Archie lives on in Teddy’s name. Having a baby boy in the house with Archie’s name as part of his means the world to me.

Emilie, you and Mikey live with Kym. Is it nice to have your mum around to help out? We tend to do everything ourselves, but it’s nice to have my family around. My brother David will come and have a cuddle with him and Polly will sing to him! Plus, Mum had him overnight in her room the other night as we were both knackered, which was lovely!

Kym: I leave them to it and try not to interfere. I feel very lucky to be able to spend the first part of Teddy’s life living with him.

Emilie: We’re planning on moving out next year, although hopefully we’ll be next door to Mum [laughs].

Kym: It’s like there’s an umbilical cord still attached between Emilie and I [laughs].

Kym, do you get on well with Mikey?

Yes, I feel like I’ve gained another son.

Emilie: That’s lovely to hear. My whole family adores him. I think they love him more than me [laughs]!

Kym: He adores Emilie and that’s obvious to everyone. No one can wish for more for their daughter.

Emilie: I already knew he was an amazing dad because of the way he is with his daughter, Polly, but seeing him with my own son is completely different.

Is Teddy keeping you all awake at night? Kym: Luckily, I can’t hear him in my room! Emilie: At night he comes to life! He’s waking every two hours, although he’s been getting better as we changed his milk. I breastfed the first couple of days then moved on to formula.

Kym: Emilie found breastfeed­ing stressful. There’s a lot of pressure put on women to breastfeed. There are many reasons why people don’t or can’t. I tried to breastfeed David, and with Em I put her straight on the bottle. I tried really hard to breastfeed Polly but it just wasn’t possible because she was premature, and I wasn’t really making enough milk for her. I was told to stop trying. Usually when you’re breastfeed­ing and you’re with your baby it helps you to create milk. But I just didn’t have that chance with Polly because she spent time away from me in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit. I’m not denying breast isn’t best, it obviously is, but it’s not for everyone.

Emilie: I’m glad I moved on to bottle-feeding as it’s nice to share the feeds with Mikey. I feel like he’d be missing out otherwise.

Do you like being a young grandma, Kym? It’s wonderful – better than I could ever have imagined. Having your own children is such a special thing and having a grandchild feels the same. I love Teddy as much as I love my own children, as he’s part of my daughter. Plus, I feel I have enough energy to take him out and have fun with him, as I’m still young. I’m still not allowing anyone to call me Grandma, though! People ask me why I’d rather be called Loli – I just don’t feel old enough to be called Gran!

You’re right, I am. I’ve found someone I truly love in Scott. I’ve been searching for a love like this. I feel like I’ve been quite unlucky in love over the years. I’ve always wanted the perfect partner. My parents have been married for 54 years and I’ve always wanted a love like that. I also felt like I was someone who needed someone, but being with Scott has proved to me that I am alright on my own. I’m not with him all the time, so it’s given me time to be independen­t too.

Can you see yourself and Scott moving in together soon?

He classes my house as home but he goes down to his barracks for work. Later this year he’ll be going away for a little while, but he will be back at some point for R&R. For the foreseeabl­e future, because of his job, we probably won’t be able to live together full time.

Do you think you’ve found the one in Scott? I’ve been looking for someone I can settle down with and I’ve found that with Scott. No relationsh­ip is ever perfect, though. Having said that, Scott and I just work. We’re really supportive of each other and we have the same family values. He’s a very mature person who’s focused on what he does.

Emilie: I’m really happy for my mum that she’s found Scott. He is a really nice person. He’s good with Teddy, too.

Kym: I’m Loli and he’s Pop!

Kym, you underwent a uterine ablation [a procedure in which the lining of the uterus is removed, making pregnancy almost impossible]. Do you feel any sadness that you can’t have kids with Scott?

Even if I could have kids, I don’t think I would now, despite the fact I’ve met someone fantastic in Scott. My sleeping patterns have changed as I’ve got older. I wake up at the drop of a hat and several times in the night. I was exhausted the next day after looking after Teddy for one night. I think it proved to me that I couldn’t do that now [laughs]. I’m happy to hand him back after a cuddle.

Would you like to get married again, Kym? For years I’ve said I don’t want to – after all, I’ve had two failed marriages. But who knows what will happen in the future [smiles].

Kym, how do you feel about leaving

I’m a bit apprehensi­ve, but I’m also excited. I’m just waiting for the next challenge. I’d quite like to do a straight play or a film. I have had to turn down reality shows…

Which shows have you been asked to do? Oh, everything! There was a story that I was leaving Corrie to do Strictly. It’d be bonkers to think I’d leave a job of 13 years to do something like Strictly, which is a great show – but it’s only on for a matter of weeks. I’m not ruling anything out in the future but I’m also not jumping into anything in a panic.

Are people surprised when you tell them you’re a grandma, Kym?

They are! I sometimes get funny looks when I’m out with David, who’s 24 and 6ft 1in – people can’t quite believe I’m his mum! Although I think I’m starting to look my age – some mornings my own phone doesn’t recognise me! I hold it up to do the facial recognitio­n and it says it doesn’t know who I am [laughs]. So I’m still thinking about having Botox. I’ve had a consultati­on but I haven’t got around to it yet. Scott tells me he likes my face the way it is, which is very sweet. Although we’ll see how he feels in 20 years when he’s 51 and I’m 63 [laughs]! STOCKISTS: ACCESSORIZ­E UK.ACCESSORIZ­E.COM; ALL SAINTS WWW. ALLSAINTS.COM; GAP WWW.GAP.CO.UK; H&M WWW2.HM.COM/EN_ GB; JOHN LEWIS WWW.JOHNLEWIS.COM; MARKS &SPENCER WWW. MARKSANDSP­ENCER.COM; NEW LOOK WWW.NEWLOOK.COM/UK; OFFICE WWW.OFFICE.CO.UK; RIVER ISLAND WWW.RIVERISLAN­D.COM; THE WHITE COMPANY WWW.THEWHITECO­MPANY.COM; TOPMAN WWW.TOPMAN.COM; TOPSHOP WWW.TOPSHOP.COM; WHISTLES WWW.WHISTLES.COM; ZARA WWW.ZARA.COM/UK.

‘i just don’t feel old enough to be called gran!’

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Below and facing page: Kym was a birthing partner for Emilie and says she felt ‘an absolute rush of love’ seeing Teddy for the first time
Below and facing page: Kym was a birthing partner for Emilie and says she felt ‘an absolute rush of love’ seeing Teddy for the first time
 ??  ?? ‘I was over the moon when I saw my son for the first time,’ Mikey tells us
‘I was over the moon when I saw my son for the first time,’ Mikey tells us
 ??  ?? Right: Kym was moved to tears when she heard that Teddy (left) had been given Archie as one of his middle names. Below left: Kym’s keyring
Right: Kym was moved to tears when she heard that Teddy (left) had been given Archie as one of his middle names. Below left: Kym’s keyring
 ??  ?? Below and right: Kym feels ‘very lucky’ to be living with her grandson
Below and right: Kym feels ‘very lucky’ to be living with her grandson
 ??  ?? Above: ‘At night he comes to life,’ Emilie says of Teddy. Far left: Kym is leaving Corrie for pastures new
Above: ‘At night he comes to life,’ Emilie says of Teddy. Far left: Kym is leaving Corrie for pastures new
 ??  ?? Emilie says Mikey is an ‘amazing’ dad
Kym, you seem the happiest we’ve ever seen you… Corrie?
Emilie says Mikey is an ‘amazing’ dad Kym, you seem the happiest we’ve ever seen you… Corrie?
 ??  ?? ‘I’m Loli and he’s Pop,’ Kym (top) says of Scott (above)
‘I’m Loli and he’s Pop,’ Kym (top) says of Scott (above)
 ??  ?? Kym adores Teddy but was ‘exhausted’ after a night looking after him!
Kym adores Teddy but was ‘exhausted’ after a night looking after him!

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