OK! (UK)




Sparkling white teeth, a perfect blow dry, a set of false eyelashes to finish off her pristine make-up and her enviable figure showcased in a stylish polka dot two-piece – today’s interviewe­e quite clearly likes to look after herself, and it’s none other than Kate Wright.

It’s been a while since OK! caught up with the former TOWIE star, and a lot has changed in the 28 year old’s life since then. Kate left the show that made her famous in 2017 for a drama-free life living with her partner Rio Ferdinand at his Kent mansion. We notice the sizable rock sitting on her left hand – a reminder of 40-year-old Rio’s romantic Dubai proposal last year.

But there aren’t just two people in this relationsh­ip – Kate is taking on an important role as stepmum to Rio’s three

children Lorenz, 12, Tate, ten, and Tia, eight, who lost their mum Rebecca Ellison to cancer in 2015.

What hasn’t changed is Kate’s friendly demeanour and her lively chat. Here, we talk to Kate about her intense workouts, wedding planning and hen night surprises… You’ve been organising lots of parties for your friends recently! Are you applying those skills to your wedding planning? I used to be an events organiser, and I enjoy it all. I even enjoy organising drawers and cupboards. It’s really sad, but I love doing it. It’s my idea of fun. I do like a bit of Mrs Hinch – she inspires me. I’m not sure my cleaning is as good as hers, but my organising is! I have started planning the wedding very slowly. I do think about all the small things, which I think will help make the day even more special. It’s more about those little details rather than the big things.

Are you taking full control then?

Rio and I are very equal. We share control on everything we do in life. We always bounce ideas off each other. I will do more of the organising, but he will have a say. I’ll let my friends take the reigns on the hen do a little bit. I’m sure there will be a few surprises!

Did you allow Rio to organise your recent 28th birthday celebratio­ns?

I told Rio where I wanted to go and then he booked it [laughs]. It was lovely and low key. I went out with friends and family for Sunday lunch.

Is your life where you imagined it would be by this age?

I hoped I’d get married at some stage, so obviously I’m very happy and

excited about that. It hasn’t panned out exactly how I imagined when I was a kid. Like most young girls I had the typical fairy tale in mind, but this is my own fairy tale. I can’t complain at all. I feel very lucky.

You always seem to be working out! How often do you go to the gym?

I work out about five times a week. I do a mix of everything. At the moment I’m telling our PT to push me, and they are like: ‘Are you sure?’ but I love it. I do HIIT, weights and cardio. I like walking, too. If I feel really tired and I don’t want to work out then I won’t, but I enjoy it. People can’t understand that, but I really do! I’ve been working out since I was about 13 – my mum and I used to go swimming before school, then I started going to the gym. It’s always been an important part of my life. It’s not just about feeling confident with my body, it’s also about my mind set.

Does it help that you work out with Rio? Sometimes I train with him even when the PT isn’t there [laughs]. It’s really nice that we can do it together. I’ve always been into fitness, and obviously Rio is so it’s something we have in common. We’re quite a fit family. The kids get involved, too. It’s really funny how much they love it! They are very into football as well.

At the start of this year you opened up about suffering from anxiety, and made it your New Year’s resolution to work on accepting yourself. Has it worked so far? I’m feeling good! I feel like I’ve really grown in myself in the last couple of years, and I’m more confident. My whole life has changed in a positive way, and I feel settled and happy. I’ve found out who I am, and I am in touch with myself. I know what makes me happy and I know when something isn’t making me feel good. Before I didn’t really know at all, and it meant I struggled sometimes. I know that going to the gym makes me happy, but equally if I’m tired I’ll allow myself a day off. I don’t put pressure on myself to do everything all the time because you can’t do everything. Spending time with my family and friends makes me happy. It’s not my body or how I look, it’s just being more confident in myself. That is the main thing.

Do you still watch TOWIE?

Yeah, we all watch it as a five. I feel worlds apart from it so to watch it does feel mad. I do still enjoy it, and seeing all the new cast. The kids say to me: ‘I can’t believe you were on this.’ They keep trying to find old episodes, and I’m like: ‘No we’re not watching that,’ [laughs]. They have found some clips on the internet. Everything is out there so I’ve just got to accept that they are going to see it. They love Googling both of us, then showing us what they’ve found and laughing.

Could you see yourself doing TV again? Yeah probably, but it would just have to be right. It has to fit in with my life now and who I am, because I have evolved as a person.

You recently hit one million followers on Instagram. What are your tips for the perfect photo?

It’s all about the angles and the lighting [laughs]. Rio sometimes helps me take the photos, but Tate is the best! He takes most of my photos. The kids have a competitio­n, they’re all like: ‘I want to do it! I want to do it!’ I’m like: ‘Guys – this is great.’ It’s quite funny.

Why did you decide to work with Very?

I’m quite picky with what I do now, but I couldn’t say no to working with Very. I love the brand, and they wanted to work with me to create something that was me. There are swim styles to suit all different body shapes, and then there’s stuff that I really love like crop tops and trousers. I want to see everybody in it looking happy and feeling confident.

You look incredible in the campaign photos – how did you find modelling again?

I was nervous because I hadn’t done it in a while, but once I was on set in Portugal I got back into it. I just went to the gym as I normally do. I didn’t change too much because I go a lot anyway.



‘the kids love googling rio and i and laughing’

 ??  ?? ‘Rio and I are very equal,’ Kate reveals
‘Rio and I are very equal,’ Kate reveals
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 ??  ?? Above: Rio and Kate work out together. Above right: Celebratin­g her recent 28th birthday
Above: Rio and Kate work out together. Above right: Celebratin­g her recent 28th birthday
 ??  ?? Below: Kate, who left TOWIE in 2017, says she still enjoys watching the show (facing page top right)
Below: Kate, who left TOWIE in 2017, says she still enjoys watching the show (facing page top right)

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