
Time for some sunshine


AS I WRITE THIS, night has already descended on London. At 4.30pm. It was not even a case of blue skies turning black, but grey skies gradually working their way through the spectrum of greys until they got to Very Darkest Grey. We have not seen the sun today.

Yet on my screen is everything that would make the world right just at the moment. It is a picture of the Lichtman 300 SL Gullwing arrowing across Arizona under unfeasibly cloud-free skies. A highly desirable car blasting along incredible roads through majestic scenery, bathed in sunlight. For me – especially at this depressing time of year – this is the entire classic car dream wrapped up in a single image. Being lived to the full. Properly.

Better even than the emotion (mainly jealousy) that picture engenders is knowing that it presages the story of a bunch of dedicated enthusiast­s simply having a whale of a time in old cars, wringing every last inch of pleasure out of ownership. Best of all, though, is just seeing these cars being used as they should be in the first place. Gullwings, after all, are firmly in the ‘investment’ bracket.

I imagine many of those that have changed hands in the past few years are now tucked away in Carcoons, stagnating immaculate­ly, so I applaud all the more the owners who refuse to lose sight of the raison d’être of these spectacula­r machines and thrash them accordingl­y.

The joy of seeing them used – and marvelling at that US weather – reminds us that before long it will be spring in the UK, the clocks will go forward and such indulgence will not be reserved for those from other climes. Excitement is building for a packed summer of great classic motoring, and I can’t wait.

And I mean that literally because, as ever, myself and an encouragin­g number of my colleagues have found it impossible to shut the toybox over winter and have used our cars whenever possible to get our fix. We might not have enjoyed the landscapes that the Gullwing owners did, but our smiles are just as wide.

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 ?? James Elliott, editor in chief ??
James Elliott, editor in chief

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