Nottingham Post

Students set to move into rooms above retail units


A LISTER Gate building that could house students has gone on the market as plans for apartments remain under considerat­ion.

The Nottingham city centre street has been badly hit by the demise of the Broadmarsh Shopping Centre and has several vacant shops (see article below).

Yet several developers have seen the potential in the buildings by submitting plans for student accommodat­ion in the spaces above the empty units.

Permission has been given for 14 apartments above the former Stock Giant store, and 156 beds are due to be provided above the former Marks & Spencer store.

Meanwhile, three new apartments will be created above 19-23 Lister Gate and 12 flats will be provided above the old Shoe Zone store. The most recent plans submitted to Nottingham City Council were created by the ALB Group, which previously acquired 11 properties on nearby Bridlesmit­h Gate.

The plans would see the upper three floors above the former EE shop becoming 11 studio apartments. The first and second floors would each house four apartments, while the third floor would feature three. Each apartment would come with an en-suite shower room, kitchen area, storage and desk space.

In planning documents, architects Jackson-crane Architectu­re previously said: “Bringing these spaces into use will have a positive impact on the local area with increased footfall. The existing building will be preserved and retained with mainly internal changes and only minor modificati­ons to the front elevation are proposed.

“The scheme will help preserve the appearance and quality of the existing site. The proposed scheme will meet the needs of the local area in supplying a diverse mix of new housing to an establishe­d mixed retail and residentia­l location.

“Preserving the privacy and outlook of neighbouri­ng properties has been carefully considered.”

The building is being marketed by Innes England for £650,000 and the student accommodat­ion plans are still being considered by the city council.

 ?? ?? 10-12 Lister Gate in Nottingham city centre
10-12 Lister Gate in Nottingham city centre

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