Nottingham Post

Thousands gather to work for a better environmen­t


THOUSANDS of people came together in Old Market Square on Saturday for Green Hustle to enjoy a day of creativity and inspiratio­n to build a lasting green legacy.

With 50 organisati­ons and 100 artists involved, the free festival featured everything from live insects, plant printing and puppet making along with a pop-up garden, talks and workshops, circus skills, seed-bomb making and live entertainm­ent on the main stage curated by Cultural Vibrations.

A spokespers­on for Green Hustle said: “A huge thank you to everyone who came, and especially to all who created and made possible this epic communal journey into our Common


Thanks to the Lords Roberts pub and Castle Rock Brewery stepping in with some last-minute fundraisin­g, more than 500 naturefrie­ndly plants have now been planted in the permanent beds in square.

Lots of plants were given away for people to nurture at home, and 13 new locally created commission­ed artworks now decorate planters.

The community kitchen led by food bank Himmah served 550 meals and raised £1,500.

Green Hustle director Ben Welch said: “It was great to see people from all our communitie­s come together to enjoy music, dancing, food and ideas. There are so many different organisati­ons and community groups doing great work in the environmen­tal space, and Green Hustle gives them an opportunit­y to share ideas with all our festival goers. We hope the thousands who came take away an idea or two of some positive change they can make, as well as having had a great time coming together.” The event was sponsored by It’s in Nottingham, University of Nottingham Institute for Policy and Engagement, Nottingham College and Savoy Systems.

 ?? PHOTOS: TOM PLATINUM MORLEY ?? Scores of organisati­ons and artists were involved in this year’s Green Hustle in Old Market Square on Saturday
PHOTOS: TOM PLATINUM MORLEY Scores of organisati­ons and artists were involved in this year’s Green Hustle in Old Market Square on Saturday
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