Nottingham Post

Devilishly good adventure best enjoyed with friends


Diablo IV

Xbox Series. Also on PS5 and PC


CO-OP gaming is one of the things I enjoy most in video games – being able to share an experience with a friend or two, work together as a team, hitting two birds with one stone by combining socialisin­g with progressio­n through a game’s campaign.

As a busy adult with a family, that last point really ticks the right box for optimising my free time too.

Diablo is a series that falls right into this niche, combining a sprawling world of dungeons and monsters with a narrative to work through and action that really comes alive with friends.

Diablo IV dropped last year but its fresh arrival on Gamepass after Microsoft’s record-breaking acquisitio­n of Activision Blizzard has meant me and my co-op buddy are now losing ourselves in its beautifull­y brutal world.

Sporting an isometric top-down view, Diablo IV is an action RPG where you pick a class from a beguiling selection such as Druid, Necromance­r and Barbarian then battle your way through countless levels, powering your character up with new powers as you go.

The skill tree is overwhelmi­ng at first but slowly piecing together a selection of powers and enhancemen­ts that complement each other is a satisfying thing, particular­ly when you take into considerat­ion the kind of skills your friend’s character will bring too.

Diablo IV’S world is dark and oppressive but rendered with a stark, bloody beauty.

It’s a gothic, scarlet-hued landscape full of detail, with monsters lurking at every corner.

It struggles a bit when it comes to balancing, seasonal content and replay abilty but at the end of the day it delivers on being a great Diablo that’s best enjoyed with friends.

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