Nottingham Post

Costs of county council’s new offices ‘out of control’



COSTS for new Nottingham­shire County Council offices are said to be “spiralling completely out of control” with constructi­on on a £5m Worksop base due to get under way this year.

The Conservati­ve-led authority previously estimated in 2020 that the cost of building its new Worksop office, as well as the relocation of some Retford services, would be around £2.75m.

The latest estimate for the Worksop office alone, published late in March, is £4,836,600. The building of the new Worksop base comes on top of ongoing work to build a new headquarte­rs at the former Top Wighay farm site, due to cost £18.3m.

Councillor Jason Zadrozny, leader of the Independen­t Alliance opposition group on the county council, said: “Costs of the Conservati­ve County Council offices are spiralling completely out of control. These latest figures should be an embarrassm­ent to top Tory county councillor­s like Keith Girling and Ben Bradley, and the fiscally incompeten­t Conservati­ves who are overseeing costs going through the roof.

“The Conservati­ves always said the point of these new, luxury buildings was to save money but they are living in cloud cuckoo land if they don’t think costs including the office at Worksop and the new, controvers­ial offices at Top Wighay Farm, near Hucknall will continue to rise.”

The new Worksop building will primarily be used to deliver services for children and families, services which are currently run from three bungalows. The council says the new building on Newgate Street will provide an improved environmen­t for children and families and help to boost the recruitmen­t of staff. Planning permission is already in place and building work is due to start this summer, with the whole project due to finish late next summer.

In terms of why the council could not have simply moved into an existing office building, the authority said: “Other council-owned buildings in the Worksop locality were considered as to whether they could house the services, with a review taking place in early 2024.

“This review considered the council’s estate of service buildings in the town to see if they had both the spare capacity and design to provide suitable spaces and this failed to identify any viable alternativ­es.”

The new headquarte­rs at Top Wighay, to replace County Hall in West Bridgford, is due to be completed early next year.

 ?? GOOGLE ?? The site in Worksop due to house new Nottingham­shire County Council offices
GOOGLE The site in Worksop due to house new Nottingham­shire County Council offices

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