Nottingham Post

Where does all the price rise cash go?


BECAUSE of the unjustifia­ble Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Western nations agreed to raise the price of energy, such as petrol, in order to handicap Russia.

So the retail price of petrol was doubled, in Russia, Ukraine, Britain and globally. Every Ukrainian car and lorry driver pays twice as much as before.

As British car drivers pay twice as much, they must recognise that they are poorer every week, but do they ask where this extra money is going? Do they think that money evaporates when it leaves their wallets, or are they willing and able to trace where it must go, after it left them?

If they thought this helped Ukrainian citizens, they would be content to make the sacrifice, but the transport industry in the Ukrainian economy, is as damaged as in Britain. Could the British government or media explain the advantages?

If British Cabinet ministers choose not to explain the benefits of their chosen policy, is it possible that they had some other, secret motive, which can only be discovered by examining the facts? Where is this huge tide of money going?

Well, huge sums must be going to Saudi Arabia, Iran and Brunei, but that does not easily explain Cabinet motives. Corporatio­n profits have soared, where money goes to working expenditur­e and fresh investment, to directors’ and shareholde­rs’ income, and to pension funds and charities which have invested. Is there a clue there?

One fact is indisputab­le. A vast amount of the nation’s wealth, presently in the possession of the British working class, in their bank accounts, is moving from their ownership, into money allocated by corporatio­n executives, to a different, shareholde­r segment of society, never to return.

CN Westerman

via email Ruddington

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