Nottingham Post

Drug driver crashed his Porsche into a tree


- By REBECCA SHERDLEY @Becsherdle­y

A PORSCHE driver smashed his car into a tree while he was four times over the drug-drive limit.

Christophe­r Conduit, 39, of Coachgap Lane, Langar, had been driving his Porsche from Colston Bassett towards Harby Lane, Harby, when he appeared to swerve across the oncoming lane.

Nottingham Magistrate­s’ Court heard he went across a grass bank and drove head-on into a tree.

The Porsche span 90 degrees back into the road.

Emma Price, prosecutin­g, said police, fire and ambulance services attended the crash on July 20 last year.

Conduit had to be extracted from the vehicle and was taken to hospital.

He suffered a fractured shin and elbow, and a broken sternum and “is very lucky to be alive”, said his lawyer.

A blood test was taken and Conduit had benzoylecg­onine in his system 233 micrograms - when the limit is 50.

The substance is formed when the body breaks down cocaine.

Conduit also had alcohol, cocaine, cannabis and ketamine in his system but he was not over the limit for those.

He had no recollecti­on of what happened but went on to plead guilty to drug-driving in relation to the benzoylecg­onine in his system.

In mitigation, the court heard he had pleaded guilty at the first stage, he was four times over the limit that day.

The cocaine was in his system from the night before.

He arrived at court on crutches due to the incident which left him in hospital for a month.

He has since lost his partner and he has had to leave his address, and was in a very, very dark place at the time, the court heard.

He is now waiting until his injuries have got better before going back out and looking for work.

He is claiming Universal Credit and Disability Allowance.

Magistrate­s imposed a £210 fine, £85 costs and a £34 victim surcharge. He was banned from driving for two years.

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