Nottingham Post

‘My daughter was up to her waist in icy water’



THE mum of an 11-year-old girl who fell through ice and became trapped in frozen water has spoken out about the ordeal.

Teeanna Kennerdale was trapped along with her cousin after they tried to recreate a popular Tiktok video at Clifton Woods on Saturday afternoon, when temperatur­es were freezing.

Teeanna went into the water after trying to help her cousin, who had fallen through the ice, and ended up waist deep herself.

She was stuck for 38 minutes during the terrifying incident before being rescued.

Her mum Charlotte Kennerdale says her daughter was left “numb” and “screaming” in the water before the emergency services were able to reach her.

Ms Kennerdale, 29, from Clifton, told the Post: “My auntie was fighting for her life over the weekend so she went for a walk with her cousin and their friend.

“They went around there to a public footpath just around the corner from our house. It’s an area where a lot of people go for a walk.

“They saw the ice and how many other kids have done a Tiktok video where they’re on the ice, but they didn’t get their phones out to do the Tiktok.

“But they went on to the ice and her little cousin fell through, and my daughter then went on to the ice and tried to pull her out, before falling in herself.

“They then managed to grab on to a tree, with my daughter stuck in the ice for 38 minutes. There wasn’t any passers-by like the police said – we were the first on the scene.

“My daughter was up to the waist in icy water. She rang me and I was ten minutes away from home, so I rang my mum who was two minutes away and she arrived with my stepdad.

“I then arrived and tried to get into the ice myself to help her because she was screaming. She couldn’t feel her bottom half because it was all numb.

“But the ice was very thick and wasn’t breaking.

“My daughter had to be brought out of the water on a raft, and she was wrapped up in blankets by the emergency services and we were kept in the back of the ambulance for an hour and a half.”

Teeanna has been left badly shaken by the incident and with

bruises all over her lower body – although it could have been a lot worse.

The incident was just a few hundred metres away from the area where 12-year-old Owen Jenkins died after being dragged under by a strong current while trying to rescue two friends who had got into difficulty in the water at Beeston Weir in July 2017.

“She’s in so much pain and I’m going to ring the doctor,” Charlotte continued.

“She’s got bruising from her toes up to her knees because she was in the water for so long.

“Her legs are so bad and she keeps crying. They’re so swollen and I’m going to ring the doctors because she could have frostbite.”

Police captured the incident with drone footage showing fire, police and ambulance crews all working at the scene.

Walkers in the Clifton Woods area told the Post the area is often flooded – with the standing water turning into ice on colder days.

Dennis Hall, who walks in the area most days and lives in Clifton, said: “I heard about what happened.

“I did see a lady last week a bit too close to the water and I had to warn her that she could easily end up in the river if she slipped.

“It’s very easily done, things like this.

“When I was a kid we used to come here all the time and you didn’t have smartphone­s either and there were a few people who got into trouble.

“It could have been a lot worse and I’m glad they were able to rescue them.”

Meanwhile, Hayley Wallace, 39, of Clifton, said: “We live locally and we come here quite often.

“We’ve never had any problems. It’s pretty clear where the water is and where the path is. I’m glad both of them were OK.”

One dog walker, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “I think a lot of the problems are just kids messing around.

“I’m not exactly sure what happened on this occasion, but it’s a really nice area and things like this happening are still really rare.” The mum of Owen Jenkins, who died in July 2017, said after the latest incident in the area: “When it comes to ice, children don’t seem to see the danger. They just think it is a bit of fun. “A lot of the ice looks thick but it isn’t. “Where the water is shallow it can be thick but when it gets deeper it is thin and that’s where the difficulty lies and you can become stranded. “There is no point even trying it because we don’t have thick ice like in some countries.

“It is best to stay away – it is not worth the risk.”

I tried to get into the ice myself to help her because she was screaming Charlotte Kennerdale

 ??  ?? The area near the River Trent at Clifton Woods, where 11-year-old Teeanna Kennerdale, pictured with mum Charlotte, became trapped in frozen water with her cousin and had to be rescued by police
Inset: nearby warning signs
The area near the River Trent at Clifton Woods, where 11-year-old Teeanna Kennerdale, pictured with mum Charlotte, became trapped in frozen water with her cousin and had to be rescued by police Inset: nearby warning signs MUM REVEALS GIRLS’

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