Newbury Weekly News

Haves and have nots in our school system


I AM delighted to see the Government has decided to fund school meals during the holidays in order that no child goes hungry.

I would now like to ask Laura Farris to lobby the Government to protect the teaching staff in our state schools. I have friends who are currently teaching in both our state schools and in the private schools sector.

The contrast in provision for their safety is startling.

In two private schools nearby, one in our own constituen­cy, staff have immediate recourse to testing as each school has their own testing facility. In these schools all pupils and staff are routinely tested on their return from half term or weekend exeats. Masks are worn at all times in communal areas and when pupils are moving about. Teachers have visors as well as masks and teachers’ desks are protected by glass partitions.

Why is this not the situation in our state schools?

The answer is that the Government has not provided any funding to state schools for PPE.

Many schools are already coping with a deficit budget and do not have the means to offer what the private sector is offering.

Again, like free school meals and iPads for home learning, it is a case of the haves and the have nots.

We are all desperate to keep our schools open and maintain the quality of the children’s education and their mental health.

This will not happen if the school staff fall ill.

As our MP I hope Laura Farris will raise this issue in the House as a matter of urgency.



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