My Weekly

How I See It...

- Anthea Turn er


I don’t know about you, but I seem to have spent an unhealthy amount of time this last week looking at my BBC Weather app. It never lets me down but sadly there seems to be a distinct lack of suns. The upside is, I get a little more done indoors. This week’s task was writing up my thoughts on food for a book called HowTo AgeWell. What you put into your mouth has everything to do with it – you can’t run a Ferrari on 2-star!

I’ve never been on a diet as such, but have become more interested in the source of my food, conscious of what I eat and what I should keep away from. I can’t tell you the number of meals I’ve sat down to and someone has piped up “I’m on Keto”, “Thought I’d try Macrobioti­c”, “I’ve gone Paleo”, “I’m plant based”, “I’m juicing so brought my own” – yes, that’s actually happened. But if you look at the essence of these eating fads and remove labels you come down to a very simple way of eating that’s healthy and doesn’t deny you any treats, and it’s this:

Eatwhole foods. These are foods you can see in their original form and have hardly been tampered with. So remove from your life as many processed foods as you can. A friend of mine, Susie Cornell, who has battled MS for years, says, “If it’s in a packet with lots of writing put it down.”


I keep my diet varied and as far as I can, seasonal; if there is an organic choice that won’t bust my budget I take it. I’m not vegetarian or anti-dairy but I don’t eat meat or dairy in abundance. I try my hardest to keep away from “The Killer White Stuff” – bread, pasta, rice, sugar. I love them all, but if I have any of them it’s a huge treat. Maybe that’s the word we’ve all forgotten. Treat.

I love red wine or a small gin and slimline tonic. FYI, a Pinot Noir packs an antioxidan­t punch but has a far lower sugar content than full-bodied reds. As for white wines and prosecco, I think of them as a glass of sugar. If the Rosé comes out, I make one glass into two by adding sparkling water and ice.

In my kitchen, car and case when travelling is always a vessel with a cocktail of nuts in. These are my friends. A small handful will quickly remove an unhealthy desire (unless it’s the shoe-buying one; no nut in the world can stop that).

I totally believe in the science of gut health. if you haven’t already, do research this; our gut microorgan­isms play a vital role in digestion, absorbing nutrients, even controllin­g our mental health. This week’s magazine is packed with more amazing advice so I’m making a mint tea and am about to sit back and enjoy reading it. Love, Anthea X

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