My Weekly Special


Good Morning Britain presenter Charlotte Hawkins recalls warm memories of Christmas as a vicar’s daughter


Charlotte Hawkins hugs herself with glee as she describes the perfect Christmas present she has lined up for her Good Morning Britain co-host Piers Morgan (pictured right). Charlotte has just released a calming classical music collection entitled Mindful

Moments, designed to soothe and generate positivity through the dark winter months. And she’s convinced that it will be ideal listening for the somewhat volatile Piers.

“I’m going to buy him a really special present this year – my CD!” she teases. “He needs it. After going crazy on Good Morning Britain, shouting at everybody and interrupti­ng everyone, he can go home, put on my CD and calm down. He’ll come back in the New Year a changed man!”

This year, for the first time ever, GMB, Lorraine and This Morning will have Christmas

Day specials, but Charlotte won’t let that get in the way of her family day with husband Mark, their five-year-old daughter Ella-Rose and 15-year-old rescue dog Bailey. “I absolutely love Christmas, it’s always been my favourite time of year and Ella-Rose gets so excited, which makes it even more magical. She loves Santa, decorating the house, seeing lots of people and being able to do things you don’t normally do, like eating chocolate for breakfast. breakfast before I even went downstairs!”

Charlotte has fond memories of her childhood Christmase­s, growing up in a rambling vicarage in a small West Sussex village, where her father Frank was the vicar.

“We’d have church in the morning. It was nice, because it was packed full. I’d be clutching my favourite present, I’d see all my friends and Dad did the service, so it’s always been a special time of year.”

Charlotte sadly lost her father to Motor Neurone Disease in 2015. He died just one month before Ella-Rose was born. It makes Christmas missing at the table and I always raise a glass in memory of him. But Grandad Frank gets Ella-Rose a little present every year. He loved birdwatchi­ng so last year he was clever enough to get some stone birds for her for the garden. I like to think that had he been here, that’s what he would have been doing, so I carry that on his memory because I want her to know what her Grandad was like, so he’s still a part of her life.”

Charlotte is naturally looking forward to some lie-ins during the festive period. She usually gets up at 2.45am and arrives at work at 4am, ready

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