Midweek Sport



ACCUSED: Samuel Armstrong denies rape allegation­s music on a laptop. They sat and talked on a three-seater sofa, where she fell asleep.

Mr Heywood said: “This time is where it began to go wrong, in the early hours.

“It is the prosecutio­n case the defendant took advantage of the situation and of her obvious and open friendline­ss towards him.”

The court heard Armstrong began kissing and touching the woman before asking her to come back to his flat in Clapham, south London.

When she mumbled “no” several times, Armstrong’s manner changed and he repeatedly called her a “bitch”, jurors were told.

The court heard she “froze” as he became “physical”, taking off her clothes and assaulting her.

The prosecutor said the woman asked: “What are you doing?”

Armstrong allegedly told her: “This is what you want.”

Mr Heywood said: “In saying that he was not, of course, genuinely speaking for her or reflecting any truth of the situation. He was imposing himself on her.”

The woman was seen on CCTV running through the corridors at about 2.05am.

She asked a cleaner to call police when he saw her “shaking and crying”, jurors heard.

She suffered bruises and abrasions to her genitals, arms and mouth, which were consistent with, but do not prove, the allegation­s.

Armstrong was arrested at 5.39am and later gave a prepared statement to police, saying: “I deny the allegation of rape and wish to say that any contact between (the complainan­t) and I was at all times consensual.

“I do not wish anything further point.”

The trial continues. to say at this

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