Midweek Sport

My girl gives cash and blowjobs to a scumbag


I’VE been dating a girl for some time now, but she simply will not agree to a shag. I’ve tried everything I can think of to get her into the sack using every trick in the book. I’ve wined her and dined her, sent a big bouquet of flowers to her work, I’ve even picked her up in a chauffeur-driven limo for a night on the town. The result? A big fat nothing! Then I found out the reason – she’s been seeing someone else behind my back. And that’s not the only thing. This other bloke is a complete and utter waster. He does absolutely nothing for her but she can’t seem to get enough of the c***. I followed her home one night after I had given her the money for a taxi and she ended up in this ground-floor dump of a flat greeted by what looked like a tramp in a beer-stained vest and dirty grey jogging bottoms. I was astonished when she put her arms round his neck and kissed his unshaved face while he grabbed her crutch and pulled her indoors. I thought of storming off but something made me want to look closer at what they were up to, believing that somehow I’d got the wrong end of the stick. So I crept up to look in through the scummy net curtains and there she was, on her knees with his titchy cock in her gob. She certainly hadn’t got the wrong end of his stick!

She was sucking for all she was worth – which was rapidly losing value in my eyes – while he was stood there counting the change from the taxi money I’d given her.

She even finished him off with a flourish, tugging hard on his shaft until he emptied his juice all over her breasts and then licking up the sticky white mess using her fingers.

I was furious. I grabbed hold of the nearest brick and lobbed it through the window.

Then I turned tail and ran, and I don’t mind admitting that I was sobbing my eyes out as I went.

This girl had meant the world to me and I am devastated over her grubby secret life.

Do you think I should forgive her and make her choose between me and the dirty tramp, or should I cut my losses and run?

Kelly says…

MC, Wolverhamp­ton

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