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Mar 21 – Apr 20

Eager to explore fresh opportunit­ies, make new discoverie­s and connect with those you may not have heard from in a while, your busy mind is also seeking new ways to save time and money. Keen to enhance your income? Look for a chance to learn – or teach – a creative skill.


Apr 21 – May 21

You feel you need a break from routine but if there’s no way to get one, a walk in the fresh air can be a way to channel your excess energy. With a major and positive focus on your sign, this is an excellent time to take a leap of faith. You have everything going for you.


May 22 – Jun 21

The scene is set for an unexpected twist in your plans. A sudden event could cast a revealing light on a long-standing issue. This revelation carries healing power. After a time of turbulence, you’ll have a clear path forward and be keen to give your plans a zesty rewrite.


Jun 22 – Jul 23

Someone new, or a surprising turn in a current relationsh­ip, could dramatical­ly alter your perspectiv­e, offering insights that resonate deeply with your purpose. You should welcome this breath of fresh air with open arms, as it’s set to add extra zest and sparkle to your life.


Jul 24 – Aug 23

Don’t feel obliged to toe the line. If you’ve been mulling over how to crack a difficult goal or a work dilemma, the answer can show up out of the blue and surprise you. It may be a step into the unknown but if you take things slowly, a wonderful and exciting shift is possible.


Aug 24 – Sep 23

A bright idea may be like a key that opens a door to new and exciting vistas, revealing options you might never have considered. Nurturing the seed of an idea could bring fresh interests that you’ll love. An online encounter with someone very different could lead to a sparkling connection.


Sep 24 – Oct 23

An innovative solution is within your grasp and can help you cut through the turmoil of a lingering issue. This is your cue to enjoy a sense of release, as balance is restored. Expect a breakthrou­gh – and enjoy the profound relief that will surely follow.


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Having issues with a certain someone? With the Sun merging with restless Uranus, it’s possible this person could amaze or astound you with something they say or do. You might think you understand them, but there may be more to them than meets the eye.


Nov 23 – Dec 21

You may want to break free of limitation­s and do something that allows you to escape everyday responsibi­lities. If you find you need to let off steam, a workout or a long walk can help you feel more relaxed, leaving you able to be more productive when you need to be.


Dec 22 – Jan 20

Stay alert for an ingenious idea that helps you reach a personal goal faster and make the process more enjoyable. Looking for ways to fill in a few hours? A lunar link with Mercury can inspire you to tap into an under-used skill. It could change your life in a very positive way.


Jan 21 – Feb 19

The unpredicta­ble line-up in your home zone can find you itching to share your perspectiv­e – but think before you speak. If something about your domestic set-up is causing frustratio­n, a playful heart-to-heart could throw up one or more excellent solutions.


Feb 20 – Mar 20

A piece of news, conversati­on or letter could bring an opportunit­y that might involve working online or using technology. If this is new for you, it can mean fresh developmen­ts. A call from someone you haven’t heard from in a while might surprise you, but also make your day.

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