Metro (UK)


- Sara McLaughlin, via email

concerned. Was that a risk they were obliged to take ‘as part of the job’?

Kath Field, Birmingham

It might be worth rememberin­g that when Boris Johnson brags about how far ahead of the rest of Europe we are in terms of vaccinatio­ns, he never mentions that we also have a rather substantia­l lead in the number of Covid deaths.

Julian Self, Wolverton

Why did you feel you had to have another go at the prime minister? You’re just so anti-Tory. Please stop, as we are all fed up with it now. I’m signing out of this newspaper for good.

Paul Jennings, via email

Credit must be given where it’s due. Boris may have made an error of judgement with the party but he deserves all the praise for the speed and efficiency of the furlough scheme and the vaccinatio­n programme has so far been the among most efficient in the world. Kudos to you, Boris. I am a Labour supporter but Boris has won so many hearts with how Britain has handled the pandemic.

Charles, London

Boris Johnson will never change and never get a grip. He’s a narcissist and a fraud who is devoid of morals. He basks in attention – even negative attention. He’s completely toxic and he needs to go now before he makes the entire Conservati­ve party toxic for a generation. He cares only for himself. Anyone who felt shame, guilt or remorse would have resigned weeks ago.

Jon Garrett, London

I find it totally incomprehe­nsible that people are still trying to defend Boris Johnson.

They must have extremely short memories. He has handled the pandemic badly from start to finish and he continues to try to lie his way out of indefensib­le situations. His former aide, Dominic Cummings, is said to be briefing against his old boss as he seeks revenge. Cummings may have an agenda but I believe him and that he has proof.

Paul, London

Boris Johnson should have known this simple fact – it is not wise to fall out with someone who knows where the bodies are buried.

 ?? Nigel, Newark ?? A ticket to ride: The couple who were spotted feeling love on the Central line
That photo of the amorous Tube couple (MetroTalk, Fri) was disgusting – there’s a reflection of someone not wearing a mask!
Nigel, Newark A ticket to ride: The couple who were spotted feeling love on the Central line That photo of the amorous Tube couple (MetroTalk, Fri) was disgusting – there’s a reflection of someone not wearing a mask!

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