Metro (UK)

It’s not scaremonge­ring, it’s a fact that Brexit has increased red tape

- Matthew, Birmingham Marthia Bardy, Dorking

Pam from Essex describes as ‘ridiculous scaremonge­ring’ the news from the Road Haulage Associatio­n that exports to the EU in January were down 68 per cent compared to the same time last year (MetroTalk, Tue).

She adds that it is only two months since we left the ‘shackles’ of the EU and that we should ‘give it time’, ‘get back in our pram’ and focus on the fact the UK is leading the way on Covid vaccines.

Perhaps when Pam gets her jab she could ask for a healthy dose of reality. Maybe then she’d see that so many of the issues we are having are ones the government was long warned about but refused to plan for.

Even now, as it realises just how much we rely on imports and exports to the EU, it refuses to budge because ministers won’t admit they got something wrong and are happy to let those whose jobs rely on exports suffer, while they act like this was all part of their ‘oven-ready deal’.

Maybe instead of telling people to get back in their prams, Pam should get off her high horse, see how things really are and not hide behind our vaccinatio­n rate to ignore the mountain of problems the Brexiteers foolishly waved off as Project Fear.

Pam is like most of the people who voted for Brexit – she hates hearing facts. In our 47 years ‘shackled’ to the EU, the UK was able to prosper mightily, making us the fifth richest nation in the world – a position we will never surpass. Furthermor­e, those same Brexit voters knew there would be more bureaucrac­y, more red tape, and more difficulty for both businesses and independen­t travellers. It is coming to fruition – fact. Get used to it.

 ??  ?? A bad trade-off:. Lorries at Dover.
A bad trade-off:. Lorries at Dover.

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