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How emotional did your hormones make you?

When you are going through the menopause, you cry at anything. I’d be doing the shopping and my daughter Anaïs would say: ‘If you can’t be bothered to cook tonight, we could get this nice ready meal’ and I’d cry and say: ‘You think I can’t cook now!’ We take everything the wrong way and feel everyone is against us. I thought I had dementia – I couldn’t speak as fluently or quickly as I’d always done before. All of a sudden I was stumbling over dates if I was trying to say them out loud – which is basically a result of my hormones slowing. But they can be boosted with a gel that costs four pounds, can be rubbed on to your thigh and it supports your brain and heart too. I’ll take

HRT until I’m 100 years old.

Is it true you stayed inside for three months?

Yes. I didn’t leave my house because I was riddled with anxiety and found everything overwhelmi­ng. I couldn’t face driving my car and the thought of just nipping to John Lewis and buying a duvet was like going to the moon. Just the thought of choosing the size or colour or having to make eye contact with the sales lady would cripple me – and I couldn’t do it.

I disguised the way I felt and life went on. Anaïs was taking her exams and took an Uber to school in the mornings. My partner used to leave for work and after they’d both gone I used to climb back into bed in the same clothes, set my alarm for four, then go downstairs in time for them to come home. I wasn’t OK and I’d be secretly panicking about what we’d do when they got in. I’d say: ‘Fancy a takeaway?’ and they’d say ‘Yeah, pizza!’ so we’d eat and then Anaïs would go on Facetime and he’d be looking up motorcycle­s and guitars, so I’d go and watch Netflix in bed.

How did you break the cycle?

Eventually I got Anaïs and my partner into a circle said: ‘Guys, it’s been hell. I’ll explain everything about it…’ When they realised what I’d been going through, they hugged me and supported me. It took ten days for HRT to turn my life around. Now my old self has returned and I’m taking on the menopause. I’ve written my book and it’s for anyone who is suffering, it’s for younger women who need to know what’s ahead, daughters, fathers, mothers.

I still get invited to amazing places, but drink and drugs don’t come into it any more

You were a party girl. What made you decide that enough was enough?

Probably in my early forties I’d been there, seen it, done it – and although the 1980s and ’90s were filled with great parties and bands and music and incredible people, nothing felt different any more. I still get invited to amazing places, it’s just that drink and drugs don’t come into it now. I still see Kate Moss all the time, and Sadie [Frost]. You don’t suddenly stop being best friends after 22 years.

Tell us about the curious incident of your dog and the oestrogen gel…

I have a wire-haired Hungarian Vizsla and I’d take him out to the park and hundreds of dogs would be running after him. Their owners would ask me if Ziggy was a girl. It was a total mystery. Then I noticed this was happening when I didn’t wash my hands after rubbing the oestrogen gel on my thighs. I was stroking

Ziggy, taking him for walkies and he was a hormone magnet for all these other animals!

What’s your mistake outfit from the 1980s or ’90s?

There’s a picture of me standing beside Noel [Gallagher] at the Met Bar in an Alexander McQueen cow hide coat and a cowboy hat. I saw it the other day and I was like: ‘What the hell am I wearing?’

Did you ever think you’d be an author?

I’m blown away because the subject matter means so much to me. It’s not like I thought I’d write a book about fashion. There isn’t enough informatio­n out there about the menopause and even doctors are taught different things at various medical schools. I want to make a song and dance about this and encourage everyone to have the book by the age of 40 so they’re prepared and informed.

How did you spend lockdown?

I did the Richie Swan workout every day and got super fit. I’ve stopped it now so I’m not super fit any more! I actually enjoyed the fact that I could catch up on things I hadn’t done for a long time and I did enjoy the quietness. My daughter was on a farm with her boyfriend and even the dog joined them for some of the time, and because they were happy, I was happy. I was writing and just kept myself as busy as one does. I don’t have much FOMO any more – I don’t have to be on a private jet or in Monaco in order to be happy. Lockdown for me was looking at my wisteria and thinking, do I need to prune it back?

Meg Mathews is speaking tonight at the Everyman Theatre as part of the Cheltenham Literary Festival, cheltenham­ Her book, The New Hot, is out now

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 ??  ?? Supportive: Daughter Anaïs
Supportive: Daughter Anaïs
 ??  ?? Ex-husband: Noel Gallagher
Ex-husband: Noel Gallagher

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