Metal Hammer (UK)




Finland’s boozed-up folk metallers replenish the party spirit

YOU KNOW YOU’RE at a folk metal gig when you hear “Raise your horns!” and know that it’s not a reference to a hand gesture, but rather a drinking receptacle. This is the order of Jacco Bühnebeest, one of pagan troupe HEIDEVOLK’S two singers, before the band launch into Drink Met de Goden (Walhalla).

The Dutch mythologis­ts command the stage with ease, and their rousing set is the perfect warm-up for what’s to come.

Another tell-tale sign that you’re among your fellow ale-lovers and axe-wielders is the familiar sound of an Finnish roadie booming into the mic during sound check, “Heyyy! Yep! Hu!!!” Some people perceive the Finns as stoic, quiet and cerebral. In other words, as a deeply serious people. KORPIKLAAN­I are definitely serious – about music, drinking and writing songs about drinking, that is. Deploying

Happy Little Boozer early on in the set is a bold move for a Wednesday night – although they call it ‘little Saturday’ in their homeland, something that should definitely be adopted over here. They’re instantly successful in getting everyone moving about in a sort of mosh-jig hybrid; Beer Beer and Vodka have a similar effect. The sight of singer Jonne

Järvelä windmillin­g his blond dreadlocks about from under his top hat is pure silliness, but what’s most apparent tonight is that while they are unmistakea­bly a party band, Korpiklaan­i are serious musicians, and excellent at what they do.

Since the addition of prodigious ex-turisas fiddler Olli Vänskä in 2022, the calibre of musiciansh­ip in the band has gone up even further. It’s thrilling to see the impish anti-guitar hero onstage again, duelling with accordioni­st Sami Perttula during a ludicrousl­y fun cover of Boney M.’s Gotta Go Home. Like Turisas did with Rasputin, they’ve discovered that the disco legends’ music translates inexplicab­ly well to folk metal.

Korpiklaan­i singing in their native tongue doesn’t faze the Forum crowd, who embrace the band’s Finnishnes­s as much as they do, dancing wildly to their version of traditiona­l song Ievan Polkka and blowing off steam like they don’t have work in the morning. The combinatio­n of being a horn-full of fun and dazzlingly talented musicians makes Korpiklaan­i a near-perfect example of what folk metal can be.


 ?? ?? Sami Perttula provides some hearty bellows
Jonne Järvelä: Korpiklaan­i’s
lord of the mosh-jig
Sami Perttula provides some hearty bellows Jonne Järvelä: Korpiklaan­i’s lord of the mosh-jig

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