Manchester Evening News

Tragic cancer mum was told she had IBS



A FAMILY are demanding answers following a mum’s death from bowel cancer after initially being told she had irritable bowel syndrome.

Helen Dutton had spent two years believing her painful symptoms were IBS after visiting her GP. But plagued with continuing bowel problems, she again visited her surgery and – after more rounds of tests – Helen was told she had bowel cancer.

Two years after receiving the devastatin­g diagnosis, she died aged just 40. Now, her family say they have unanswered questions about whether the disease could have been found earlier.

Helen, from Droylsden, first went to her GP complainin­g of abdominal cramps and bleeding in October 2016. At the time, she had a blood test and was advised her symptoms were likely to be IBS, and was given medication.

Blood tests indicated low B12 levels but no other abnormalit­ies. No further investigat­ion followed.

But two years on from that initial IBS diagnosis, in September 2018, she again visited her GP practice with back pain and ongoing bowel issues and was finally referred for a colonoscop­y. More tests ensued and she was diagnosed with bowel cancer in January 2019.

Helen, mum to Lilli-Mai – now aged 17 – started radiothera­py and chemothera­py, and had surgery which left her with a permanent stoma.

In August 2020, the family received the devastatin­g news that Helen’s cancer had returned.

The mum, a finance manager, had yet more chemothera­py, but the cancer was found to have spread. She died in August 2021.

Helen’s partner, Darren Rosheski, says the family has been left to wonder if her cancer could have been spotted earlier.

The 52-year-old tradesman said: “Helen had struggled with her bowels for a while but when she was told it was likely to be IBS, we trusted the profession­als.

“To then be given the news that she had cancer was a huge shock.

“Helen and I had been together for almost 20 years and I couldn’t imagine not spending the rest of my life with her.

“We have so many unanswered questions and while we would give anything to have Helen back, we know that’s not possible.

“All we can hope for now is that by sharing our story, we can raise awareness of bowel cancer and its symptoms.”

After Helen was told her cancer had spread, she instructed lawyers at Irwin Mitchell to investigat­e her care and see if the disease could have been found sooner. Darren has continued her case.

Nicola Ashton, the specialist medical negligence lawyer at Irwin Mitchell representi­ng Darren, said: “The last two-and-a-half years have been incredibly difficult for Helen’s loved ones, particular­ly Darren and their daughter Lilli-Mai, who have understand­ably been struggling to come to terms with losing their mum and partner at such a young age. We’re now investigat­ing whether more could have been done to help her.”

Signs and symptoms of bowel cancer include a persistent and unexplaine­d change in bowel habits, unexplaine­d weight loss, extreme tiredness for no obvious reason, bleeding, a pain or lump in your tummy.

 ?? ?? Helen Dutton, centre, with partner Darren Rosheski and their daughter Lilli-Mai
Helen Dutton, centre, with partner Darren Rosheski and their daughter Lilli-Mai
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