Manchester Evening News



ARIES March 21–April 20 TAURUS April 21-May 21

How much more can you take on before you end up drained and exhausted? Why do you seem to be deliberate­ly testing yourself in this way? You might feel you can cope with everything the world is throwing your way but you need to start thinking about your health.

GEMINI May 22-June 21

It’s hard for you to understand why a friend or loved one is being so irritable and moody. Their behaviour is causing you frustratio­n and confusion. Unless they explain why they are acting this way, you won’t be able to offer them any meaningful support in the future.

CANCER June 22-July 23

You and a new neighbour or partner share a very similar sense of humour. You will enjoy conversati­ons and an increase in social activity as you get to know each other better. Your life is changing, in a good and positive way, as a result of this stimulatin­g relationsh­ip.

LEO July 24-Aug 23

A close relationsh­ip, working or romantic, isn’t going as well as you had previously hoped. Tension is in the air. Avoid reading more into things than is actually there because it could simply be that you are feeling overly sensitive and touchy at this time. Take a step back.

VIRGO Aug 24-Sept 23

Some serious decisions need to be made. You have important matters to think about concerning your health or your career. What you decide on will not be easy. You just need to take a deep breath and get on with what you feel you have to do. Ultimately, it’s all up to you.


Sept 24–Oct 23

Even though a group project has only just been put into action, you will be surprised by how many people seem to rely on you for your help, experience and knowledge. You may not have expected to be taking on such an important role. Your leadership qualities now shine.

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov 22

A colleague or neighbour would like to hear your views. Since this is an issue you feel slightly confused about it would be sensible to get more informatio­n before you start sharing your thoughts. You need to think creatively to find a solution to a domestic problem.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23-Dec 21

A business or social function will go completely wrong simply because of appalling planning. You always knew it would fail due to someone who has never been reliable or very practical being put in charge. They should never have had the position. Just be certain you don’t get the blame.

CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20

You don’t normally give in to impulse and act spontaneou­sly. You would rather put careful thought into anything and everything you do. There may be a need to make quick decisions today and in doing so, you will just have to trust your intuition and go with your gut instinct.

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19

It won’t bother you if you are being expected to take on a challenge other people are turning down. This is something you have plenty of experience in and by the end of the day, the progress you make will attract plenty of attention and appreciati­on you can capitalise on.

PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20

Your moods are all over the place. You swing from confidence to uncertaint­y and then back again a few times during the day. You’re doing something you have never done before and there are bound to be some anxious and uncertain moments. You must have faith in your ability to succeed.

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