Manchester Evening News

Jailed, the brute who stalked his former wife



A DAD has been jailed for stalking his ex-wife and trashing her house.

The former wife of Tozumul Hussain was forced to seek refuge in a funeral parlour for three hours after being followed by Hussain, a court heard.

Hussain, 35, appeared at Minshull Street Crown Court on Thursday after previously admitting stalking and causing criminal damage to his ex’s property.

Prosecutin­g, David Farley described the couple’s marriage as a ‘fairly abusive relationsh­ip’ that had ended in 2018.

The victim was in the park with her three children last year when she noticed Hussain hiding behind a tree and taking photograph­s of her, the court heard.

After about 10 minutes, he ran up to the victim and snatched her house keys away from her.

“She could smell alcohol on his breath,” Mr Farley told the court.

He grabbed hold of the pram and ‘marched her down the road,’ the court heard.

The victim then sought refuge in a nearby funeral parlour for around three hours after being told police were not able to immediatel­y attend.

The mum-of-three stayed at her sister’s house for the night.

When she went back to her house the next day, she found that it had been badly damaged inside.

The cost to repair the damage amounted to around £1,000.

Around five minutes after she arrived, Hussain turned up at the house and started banging at the door to be let in, the court heard.

Hussain entered the rear of the property, with his former partner fleeing out of the front door.

He was then arrested by police.

Upon his release, Hussain called the victim around 15 times with the intention of her dropping the case. He was then remanded in custody after the phone call. Defending, William Staunton said: “Ultimately he is guilty of not being able to let the break up of this relationsh­ip lie.” Sentencing, Judge Tina Landale said: “This offence is very serious because you showed a complete disregard for her right to do exactly as she chooses.

The judge described it as a “matter of great regret” that the police did not attend the incident sooner.

Judge Landale commended the victim for her ‘courage and bravery.’ Hussain, of Claremonth Street in Chadderton, was jailed for nine months and was made subject to a restrainin­g order lasting for five years.

It is a matter of great regret that the police did not attend sooner Judge Tina Landale

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