Manchester Evening News

Say Gears!


THE Gears of War saga has been grinding on for 13 years now, so you’d be forgiven for thinking that, six games in, there’s nothing left to get excited about. But you’d be wrong.

Firstly, the superfluou­s ‘Gears of’ has been dropped, the game finally being christened with the name fans have been calling it for years.

And it’s not just the title that developer The Coalition has freshened up, it’s the campaign too.

Starting off in an abandoned research facility on a tropical island, the location feels more Uncharted than Gears.

But you’re soon embroiled in the first of many frantic firefights – the pale, screaming Juvies that attack in the exhaust tunnel adding tension and horror.

This is a game that plays out in two distinct acts, the first packed full of cover-based combat, dodging bullets and reducing your enemies to chunks of meat.

But as act one concludes, the game hand-break turns into something else.

For the first time in Gears history there’s a female protagonis­t, Kait, promoted from sidekick in the last game.

Kait has been having visions of the swarm, visions that trigger a personal quest which leads the title away from many of its long-held traditions.

The pitched battles give way to exploratio­n as Kait, Del and a drone called Jack head off in a sailed skiff to a frozen tundra to unlock the secrets of Kait’s family roots.

The open-world elements are, frankly, stunning. You never want to rush and there is a feeling of exhilarati­on as you glide across the ice on the skiff towards the horizon.

There’s a handful of main objectives and optional ones, and you feel compelled to complete them all. The side missions also help flesh out the world, exploring the impact the Swarm has had on the remaining pockets of civilians on Sera.

As well as cranking up the pace, there are some new weapons to play with.

Alongside the faithful chainsaw bayonet (which never gets old) you can also choose from an underslung grenade launcher and, if things aren’t feeling cool enough for you, then try the Cryo Cannon which freezes foes instantly allowing you to shatter them into pieces.

You’re accompanie­d from the off by Jack, a drone who can come in very handy.

He can grab weapons from the battlefiel­d, crack safes and, as the game progresses, be upgraded to help you out by flash-blinding your foes and more importantl­y, reviving you and your fellow Gears.

And, while Jack’s abilities feel a little like overkill to begin with, as the game really starts to hit home, the fact that he can make your team invisible or bend an enemy to your will can mean the difference between life and death.

I’ve merely dipped my toes in the waters of multiplaye­r, but I liked what I saw.

It feels like a more inclusive arena, designed to allow both hardcore and casual Gears players to thrive.

Players are issued with a weapons arsenal based on their character and premium weapons and equipment are no longer littered across the map – you have to earn them. Skulls are the currency of choice here, earned by killing enemies or, in a lovely little twist, getting splattered yourself.

If it’s your first time in multiplaye­r, you can head into the co-op versus bots lobby to hone your skills before you jump into the meat grinder.

It’s not startling that I enjoyed Gears – I always have – but what was surprising was how refreshing I found it.

The frenetic gunfights, the gore, the gorgeous graphics – all the tried and trusted elements are here, but the moments of quiet introspect­ion elevate the game to another level.

This feels like a much-loved blanket that’s been washed in a new softener – it’s familiar and comforting but with new elements that make it feel fresh and exciting.

Bargain Buy: £33.99 from

 ??  ?? Gunfights, gore and great graphics... Gears 5 has some fantastic new features
Gunfights, gore and great graphics... Gears 5 has some fantastic new features
 ??  ?? Reduce your enemies to chunks of meat
Reduce your enemies to chunks of meat

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