Manchester Evening News

Delays in plan for councils to run stations

- By CHARLOTTE COX @ccoxmenmed­iaMEN

GREATER Manchester leaders are on a mission to take over 96 railway stations - to turn them into health surgeries, gyms, galleries and even wedding venues.

First reported by the M.E.N. in March, the ambitious plan would transform stations into community hubs which befit 21st century travel.

Disused land and buildings around the region’s stations would be transforme­d - with plans already mapped out for nearly 120 homes.

Without their interventi­on, transport bosses say, stations will be left to deteriorat­e.

They point to Salford Central, with its leaky roofs and ill-equipped platforms, as an example of this. Meanwhile Irlam station, regenerate­d with the help of council cash and charity work, is a shining example of their plan’s potential.

An applicatio­n for the takeover was submitted to the government earlier this year with an approval in principle expected by the summer.

But it’s understood Secretary of State for Transport Chris Grayling has yet to give a green light - which is stalling a long-term transfer plan.

If given the go-ahead, the bold proposal - a key part of the devolution agreement signed in 2014 would see Transport for Greater Manchester and the region’s 10 local councils take control of ALL local railway stations.

Currently, the stations are owned by Network Rail, with management falling to Northern Rail, Trans Pennine and Virgin on short-term leases.

Travel and transport leaders hope to launch a 150-year takeover by the end of 2018. They are bidding to take control of small to medium stations shortly after this time, and Manchester Oxford Road and Victoria would

be transferre­d in the mid-2020s. They would eventually hope to take control of Piccadilly too at a future date – making the total 97 stations – as part of a later plan subject to HS2.

Ploughing £400m of council and government cash into the project over 20 years, Greater Manchester leaders say stations like Stockport, Altrincham, Wigan, Bolton, Oxford Road and Victoria could become ‘beautiful spaces’ and community hubs - with venues for concerts, festivals and weekend markets.

Sexual health centres, community gyms and bike repair units would spring up, transformi­ng stations into destinatio­ns rather than just a place to catch a train.

Giving smoother transition between trains, trams and buses, hubs would also feature conference rooms, meeting spaces and training offices as part of the plan.

Not only that, but land around stations could become housing, shops and car parks - regenerati­ng areas of Greater Manchester and helping to meet the goal of building 227,000 new homes by 2035.

TfGM says the plan, in which they would lease stations at a ‘peppercorn rate’ [nominal amount] would allow Network Rail and operators to focus their energies on train services. TfGM has submitted its ‘case for change’ to the Department for Transport. The applicatio­n is on behalf of the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

Jon Lamonte, chief executive of Transport for Greater Manchester, said there were three key objectives in taking over stations.

These, he said, are better transport integratio­n, commercial opportunit­ies, especially around housing, and creating better community hubs.

He said 52 out of the 97 stations are currently not accessible to all which could change under the wing of Greater Manchester leaders. He added: “We submitted our proposal in March and are awaiting a decision from government.

“Even if they could just approve a few of them at first, just so we can show what we can do, that would help.”

‘Good’ station

So what makes a ‘good’ station? Transport bosses point to Irlam station as an example of the future.

The Hamilton Davies Trust, a charity supporting local people and the regenerati­on of the Irlam, Cadishead and Glazebrook areas, has bought and transforme­d the formerly disused building. They’ve worked with Transport for Greater Manchester - which also provided cash - to bring it up to scratch. It’s now a thriving hub which is even used for weddings.

There’s also a cafe and restaurant, meeting space and an industrial history museum. Outside is a children’s play area, station garden and extended car parks.

Rail passengers have also grown by 17 per cent - showing the link between rail business and the station itself.

‘Bad’ station

And what makes a ‘bad’ station? At the other end of the scale, say transport chiefs, is Salford Central.

They say although the frontage has bene done up, there are leaky roofs and canopies, uneven platforms, and dodgy stepping heights from trains.

Platforms are even too short for some trains. Here, Transport for Greater Manchester and Salford council are proposing a multi-million pound investment programme to improve all these elements - and add intercity platforms too. This station is central to their argument that local authoritie­s know best when it comes to their passengers - and they’ve got the relationsh­ips with planning and developers to make their plans a reality.

And, they argue, boost the economy in the process.

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 ??  ?? Irlam station is a shining example of how the plans can work
Irlam station is a shining example of how the plans can work
 ??  ?? There is now a renovated cafe at Irlam
There is now a renovated cafe at Irlam
 ??  ?? Weddings are now held at Irlam station
Weddings are now held at Irlam station
 ??  ??

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