Manchester Evening News

Carers won’t face sentence review for abuse of pensioner



TWO carers who abused a blind pensioner at a nursing home will NOT have their sentences reviewed despite a public outcry that they were spared jail.

Pedro Dias and Piotre Ciecielows­ki were roundly condemned having being handed suspended sentences after abusing a 95-year-old woman with dementia.

The incident was captured on secret CCTV cameras installed by Lynne Nuttall after she became concerned about her mother Marjorie’s unexplaine­d injuries.

Dias threatened to ‘break every bone’ in the woman’s body, ‘kill’ her and drag her by the neck to her bed.

Ciecielows­ki watched on during the incident at Prestbury House Care Home March.

At Chester Crown Court, Ciecielows­ki, of Brown Street, Macclesfie­ld, and Dias, of Rodney Street, Macclesfie­ld, admitted illtreatme­nt while working as a care worker. They were sentenced to nine months in prison, suspended for two years, and ordered to complete 250 hours of unpaid work.

Dias and Ciecielows­ki apologised for their behaviour.

Ms Nuttall called on the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) to review the sentences. Almost 2,000 people signed an online petition calling for in Macclesfie­ld in action. But the AGO says it can only review – and ask the Court of Appeal to consider – certain sentences.

It cannot, a spokesman said, review sentences for those convicted of ill-treatment while working as a care worker.

Ms Nuttall said the sentence was ‘too lenient’ and wants Dias and Ciecielows­ki behind bars.

She said: “My family and I am sure people will be outraged by this decision. What does this say about a society where the physical, verbal abuse of 95-year-old who is blind, wheelchair-bound, suffers from dementia, frail, confused and totally dependent, is considered a ‘lesser’ crime? They must pay for what they did - and that means prison. I just want justice.”

A spokesman for the AGO said the power to ask the Court of Appeal to review sentences only applied to a limited number of offences, and Dias and Ciecielows­ki’s offence was not one of them.

Cases which can be reviewed include murder, rape, robbery, some child sex crimes and child cruelty, some fraud, some drug crimes, some terror-related offences and crimes committed because of a victim’s race or religion.

 ??  ?? Lynne Nuttall with her mother Marjorie
Lynne Nuttall with her mother Marjorie
 ??  ?? Pedro Dias
Pedro Dias
 ??  ?? Piotre Ciecielows­ki
Piotre Ciecielows­ki

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