Manchester Evening News

Please come home, son


THE distraught dad of a young man who went missing after a night out with friends has made a desperate appeal for help to find him.

Caspar Blackburn, 22, from Sale, was last seen at the Slug and Lettuce Waterside in the town in the early hours of Sunday. He was sitting on a bench outside the bar with friends, but did not go back inside with them and has not been seen since.

He failed to return home and has not turned up to his job as an assistant manager at Carpetrigh­t in Macclesfie­ld.

And Caspar, a car enthusiast, has not returned to collect his Nissan 350Z, which he left outside a friend’s house before going out.

Caspar’s father, Robert Blackburn, 52, from Sale, said: “Everyone is distraught. It is the not knowing – nobody has heard anything at all from Facebook, Twitter or his phone.

“It is totally out of character. He has never missed a day of work.

“He is a car enthusiast. He has modified his car and is always tinkering with it. According to his friends, it is totally out of character to leave his car behind.”

Robert, who is unwell after undergoing a kidney transplant, directly appealed to his son: “Please come home as soon as possible. Everyone is really worried upset about you.

“Nobody is going to be angry. He will get a big hug when he comes home.”

Best friend Billy Hayes said: “He was on the benches outside and his friends went inside. He didn’t say anything, he just disappeare­d. There was no communicat­ion – his phone is off.”

Caspar is 5ft 8in and has short ginger hair. He was last seen wearing a blue polo shirt and blue jeans.

You can contact police on 101, quoting reference MP/17/ 0110152, or Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111.

 ??  ?? Caspar Blackburn’s father Robert Blackburn and grandma Claudine Robertson. Left, Caspar
Caspar Blackburn’s father Robert Blackburn and grandma Claudine Robertson. Left, Caspar
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