Manchester Evening News

Adventures in store for parents


A FULL-time mum turned adventurer is hoping to inspire other parents to ‘find another side of themselves’ after trekking in the Arctic Circle.

Amy Windsor, 36, of Cheadle Hulme, has three sons and having not worked for a decade felt she had accomplish­ed very little for herself.

But this changed when her husband Matt, 45, bought her an Arctic trek in Svalbard, the world’s most northerly settlement.

Since returning she is hoping to organise expedition­s for other stayat-home mums and dads to given them a break from the daily routine.

Amy, of Cheadle Wood, said: “Being a mum of three small children usually I can’t think any further than the end of the day. This gave me something to think about that was completely mine. It was a huge positive thing to look forward to and a feeling of accomplish­ment.

“I’m hoping to inspire other stayat-home parents, who are often an overlooked group.

“Raising children is great but it is tough and in this world where people put on Facebook how great their life is it can be hard to keep your confidence. It is important to feel valid as a human being outside of raising children.”

After three months training Amy was in the Arctic from April 4 to 12 and did a three-day ski trek of eight miles a day pulling her own sled.

Now Amy wants to return to trek to the North Pole and in time – if funding can be secured – organise similar trips for other parents.

Her first step on this journey comes later this month as she has organised a more gentle, test the water expedition to climb Snowdon.

She said: “Despite my initial horror at the Arctic trip its value has been priceless and I’ve never felt more motivated and it helped enormously. I now want to help motivate other parents in the same way.”

Anyone who wants to help Amy can call her on 07967 397550.

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