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Have your say on controllin­g nuisance in public areas


Windsor and Maidenhead council is seeking to extend measures which introduced legal powers to tackle nuisance behaviour.

The Royal Borough wants to hear people’s views on keeping two Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) first introduced in April

2021, relating to cycling and responsibl­e dog-walking.

One PSPO allows community wardens and police to enforce cyclists to dismount in the busy pedestrian­ised areas of Windsor’s Peascod Street and Maidenhead High Street.

If they do not comply, officers can issue a £100 fixed penalty notice.

The other PSPO means anyone caught dog-fouling in a public place also risks a £100 fixed penalty notice.

This order allows the wardens or police to ask a dog owner to put their pet on a lead if it’s loose and causing harassment, alarm or distress in a public place.

All PSPOs only last for a limited time.

As such, Windsor and Maidenhead is holding a four-week public consultati­on, until February 26, on plans to continue these PSPOs for a further three years (until March 2027).

The consultati­on asks participan­ts to share any experience­s with anti-social behaviour in relation to these two problem areas.

Andy Aldridge, RBWM community safety manager, said: “While these measures do give wardens the ability to issue fines, their focus is allowing wardens to have meaningful conversati­ons with the minority of people who break the rules to encourage voluntary compliance and changes in behaviour.

“With the cycling PSPO, our community wardens do routine spot checks and they’ve seen a reduction in cycling through these busy pedestrian­ised areas over the last three years.”

Find out more and participat­e online at RBWM Together: rbwmtogeth­er­onfor-continuati­on-of-publicspac­e-protection-orders

Paper copies of the consultati­on documents are available from all libraries upon request.

Cabinet will consider the responses and make the decision this March.

 ?? ?? Maidenhead High Street.
Maidenhead High Street.

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