Macclesfield Express

Above the mist on Kinder ridges


A GROUP of 11 East Cheshire Ramblers met recently at Barber Booth in Edale for an 11-mile walk along the Kinder Edges.

The forecast was not promising, with mist and low cloud, but the group set off undaunted along the valley to Edale Village before the climb up to the Kinder Plateau.

The route was mainly gentle climbing, and as we ascended we were rewarded by sunshine at the higher altitudes.

Roger, our photograph­er, hurried ahead to try to get an picture of the group emerging from the mists but was frustrated by the mist following us up to near the top.

However, after a short break to recover our breath and a bite of Xmas stollen, we followed the southern edge to descend to Hope Cross, negotiatin­g an unexpected snowdrift on the way.

There had been a brisk westerly breeze on the edge which was quite cooling, but as we dropped down to lower levels we found the wind had gone and we had a lunch break in the sunshine in spring-like conditions.

We continued past the youth hostel to Edale, where 10 of us enjoyed a cuppa at the National Trust cafe at Edale Station approach. After one member left to catch his train, the remainder returned to the cars at Barber Booth after a satisfying day on the hills.

East Cheshire Ramblers’ programme of weekend and midweek walks range from four to 15 miles in length and can be found on the group’s website at ramblersea­stcheshire.

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 ??  ?? Starting out on the ascent of Kinder from Ollerbrook Booth
Starting out on the ascent of Kinder from Ollerbrook Booth

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