Loughborough Echo

YOUR STARS WITH Claire Petulengro


ARIES March 21 - April 20

If not you, who? If not now, when? You are waiting on those you have subconscio­usly been let down by a thousand times over. Step to one side for a moment and arm yourself with the self-respect, I know, is so important to your sign. Pride you give yourself, in the days ahead, is what will arm you with the traits your sign possesses to end this year on a high. Ring now for direction. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 727 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


Time you spend with elders provides you with much informatio­n, which can help your current situation. You begin, at last, to look at life as if the glass is half full, instead of empty. Favours you do for friends may seem as if they’re unapprecia­ted, but time will prove you were right to do what your heart told you to. Ring now to hear which sign is talking pregnancie­s and babies. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 728 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


It’s always too early to quit for a sign such as you. Knowing how far you want to go for others, who have not helped you, is key this week. You start to process this dramatic year and how much it has changed you. Neptune taps into your subconscio­us and you begin to consider all manner of options you never would have before. Ring now to hear why this spiritual journey is such a good thing. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 729 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


You have to stand for what you believe in and sometimes this means standing alone. Don’t be afraid to be the one who says, ‘stop for a moment’. Others have taken control throughout this year and it’s time for you to show the rest of the zodiac what you’re made of. Answering texts and calls you didn’t plan for could throw your week’s plans into disarray. Ring now so I can build you up. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 730 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


I can see that life has been hard and I also see that you did not lie down and accept defeat, but you kept rising to the new challenges. You start to worry less about those who can’t help you, and focus more on the fresh faces who believe in you. Geminis know how to get you ahead profession­ally. Say yes to their ideas and plans now. Ring now to hear why I know you’re finally on the right path. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 731 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


You can’t seem to get away from the influence of a certain person. If it’s not you they are affecting, then it’s someone you know. Time to draw a line and to claim your life back as your own. You were allowing manners to come before dignity and pride before a fall. Giving others notice of what you need from them is key to completion. Ring now to hear how Mars is trying to make you extra money. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 732 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


The stars hand you the gift of the gab. Those who said no, will now be blinded by your charms. Just make sure it is a fair standard you set, or you could be left with egg on your face when others examine your involvemen­t. A work contact from your past is key to tying up a present one. Ring now to hear why it’s time to go for all you want, no matter what your friends and family say. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 733 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


You can’t seem to get your new ideas heard by your family. They say they are interested but can’t seem to remember all you’ve talked about. Try to put your efforts into doing, not talking. It is how you will prove to others that you are not playing with life, but working hard to live it to the full. Ring now to hear how Saturn requires financial input to pay it out bigger and better. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 734 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


Friends make it hard for you to know how much you can ask of them. What they say, does not feel meant. You want to know if they are there for you, but recent events have put you on the back-foot. Seek out the Aquarians to mend those bridges and to make you feel secure in your surroundin­gs again. They know what you need to hear. Ring now to hear who was trying to unnerve you and why. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 735 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


Doubt you show in others plans could cause a crack in your relationsh­ip and could even see you having to lie to those you told only part of the story to. Long distance travel can do much for your career, and can even create a link to someone who can help you build a new future. What that will involve, not only you can imagine yet, but I can. Ring now to hear what journey is ahead for you. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 736 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


Talk is cheap this week, as others say what they think is fact, but which may turn out to be fiction. Work you do for free for others can lead to you getting some of your best deals yet. Mercury taught you to network and now you are managing to bring your links together to form a master plan. I think you’re going to like what happens next, my friend. Ring now for a peek at your future. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 737 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE


Friends let you down this week, so if you want to rely on someone, then rely on yourself. News you get of someone who left your life, leaves you with the urge to get in contact with them. Only you can decide if this is a path you want to go down again. Try to think about where you want to go next. It is the key to you making your best decisions yet. Ring now to process recent news. FOR MONTHLY READINGS CALL 09050 700 738 75p PER MINUTE + ACCESS CHARGE

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