Loughborough Echo

Enjoyable talk for WI group


PRESIDENT, Sue Wainwright, welcomed everyone to the October meeting of the Thorpe Acre WI that was held at the Thorpe Acre Church Hall on Tuesday the 8th.

After distributi­ng this month’s birthday cards Sue informed us that there would be a change to the meeting’s normal running order in that our speaker, Bob Neill, would take centre stage for its first part.

Bob introduced himself and his wife before explaining how his interest in all things ‘old’ was sparked off when he inherited the contents of a relative’s shop. He has been adding to his collection ever since.

He brought along 20 items for our teams to identify and as the items were passed from table to table, there were mutterings and head scratching, all accompanie­d with much hilarity.

Being a member of the WI everyone recognised the knitting needle gauge and the yarn bowl but the paper bag maker flummoxed most people. However we did learn something about serving forks – two tines for meat, three for fish and four for bread.

On totalling the scores the winners were Sue W. and Linda L.. Sue Y. gave the vote of thanks.

Ten members requisitio­ned one side of Party Pieces at the end of September. The menu of teas, coffees and chats was enjoyed by all. We will be visiting the other side of town at the end of October when we will sample the delights of the Casa Café.

Carole was thanked for organising September’s trip to watch the Greyhound Racing in Nottingham. Everyone enjoyed the evening – once they could get in! The venue had recently become ‘computeris­ed’ and e-tickets are now needed to gain entry but, due to a ‘glitch’, these were never sent. The problem was soon sorted out. No-one came home a millionair­e.

Carole confirmed the travel arrangemen­ts for our ‘Pie Night’ at Beaumanor Hall. She had, finally, received the Lunchtime Christmas Menu from Longcliffe Golf Club. It looks mouth- watering. We can’t wait.

Our thanks go to Quorn Evening WI for organizing a marvellous open meeting.

The speaker was Lesley Smith in the guise of Nell Gwyn. Her interpreta­tion of this famous historical character did not disappoint highlighti­ng the funny and tragic circumstan­ces of her life. Many said that it was the best social history lesson they’d had in a long time.

Sue Y. gave the vote of thanks. At this meeting, Lesley offered to give up to twenty WI members a free visit to Tutbury Castle next year. Jacqui S. and Lynne H. have agreed to liaise with Lesley’s secretary as to dates.

With this month’s additions, Sue W. thought there would probably be enough Christmas stockings to dress our tree this year. Thorpe Acre Church is asking each group using the Church Hall for a decoration for their tree. Sue W. found a suitable one amongst her crafty collection and the members agreed that it would be a suitable offering. It was - as you may have guessed - a knitted cake! The next 3W’s Workshop will be at the end of October.

The Wednesday Craft Group has agreed that our WI can hold another Coffee Time in aid of The Leicesters­hire Women’s Aid at one of their meetings.

The visit to see the Mary Linwood Embroideri­es in early March 2020 has been confirmed.

We played the first knock out round in this year’s Federation Darts Competitio­n against Barrow on Soar at the beginning of October. Although we won by four games to three it was a very close fought match against an excellent and really friendly team.

Two members have shown an interest in joining the committee. I think it was the mention of Committee cake that might have swayed their decision.

Quorn WI will be hosting this Year’s Carol Concert early in December. As several Carols were suggested the titles of our submission­s will be chosen at random .

We will be off to Kegworth at the end of November to participat­e in their annual Quiz. At the moment we have only one team but there may be another by our next meeting.

Correspond­ence from WI House and National was placed at the front of the table for perusal during tea. Sue W. drew member’s attention to the cost 2020’s subscripti­on.

She also told members that our WI will be able to provide the County News to them free of charge for 2020.

Refreshmen­ts were served by Pauline, Jean H. and Stefanie. The raffle prize and the table arrangemen­t were won by Lynne and Ruth. Jill P. won the competitio­n, with Hazel coming 2nd and Sue W., 3rd.

The next meeting will be on November 12th, at 7.30pm at the Thorpe Acre Church Hall. This will be our Annual Meeting where reports will be read, a Committee along with a president will be elected and our very own Stefanie will be showing us a hundred and one ways to decorate a Walnut Whip! So do pop along, you’ll be welcome to have a listen and a cuppa and a biscuit.

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