Loughborough Echo

I am a firm believer in true democracy and free speech

- Brian Axten

WE ARE leaving the European Union (EU) having held a democratic vote so it is essential that a smooth process and succesful conclusion to the negotiatio­ns is achieved in the long term interests of everyone, both in the UK and those remaining in the EU.

Having listened to the Commons and Lords debates leading to the signing of article 50, I was surprised by very many of the opposition amendments called for, particular­ly as The Government’s 12 point Brexit Negotiatio­n Objectives seemed to me to identify in broad terms all the principal aims, and in a friendly and cooperativ­e approach to the EU.

It also seemed to recognise that prior to negotiatio­ns it is a good idea not provide too much detail to the benefit of your opposite number. The General Election was called shortly after the eventual acceptance by the House’s of Commons and Lords of the Brexit Negotiatio­n Objectives.

So having concerns for our country, and particular­ly for the younger generation who would have witnessed the political performanc­es and voted for the first time, and will face the consequenc­es of brexit for a long time, I decided to express my disappoint­ment at the outcome of the General Election in rhyme (albeit with some poetic license).

At the end of the rhyme I openly stated how and why I voted in the manner I had.

It would seem that Anthony Kay, rather than calmly consider what I had put in rhyme and perhaps think about why I had done so, he concen- trated his mind on the final statement and placed his interpreta­tion on it which then seems to have given rise to his anger.

Thank you Anthony for making me aware, ‘we are not at war, we are entering sensitive negotiatio­ns, the General Election was not about ........, etc’. From his other comments I can see that Anthony takes an interest in what has been, and is, going on about him much like myself who prefers to investigat­e for myself rather than merely accept what is proffered by others, especially important during the last 18 months.

Anthony refers to ‘my bitterness’. Not bitter, disappoint­ed, yes, and the same can be said of my view on his response.

However, I am a firm believer in true democracy and free speech and in that respect applaud him for taking the time and effort to exercise his legitimate right and make his views known to me and others, just as I had done.

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