Loughborough Echo

We must not forget...


THROUGHOUT the centenary of the First World War, we have been rememberin­g the soldiers from the Loughborou­gh area who lost their lives while serving their country.

Here, with the help of Marigold Cleeve and a small number of researcher­s from the Loughborou­gh Carillon Tower and War Memorial Museum, we look back at those who made the ultimate sacrifice in May 1917.

Charles Herrick Allen was born on September 2, 1896, at Woodhouse Eaves, and baptised on January 17, 1897, at St. Paul’s Church, Woodhouse Eaves.

His second forename of Herrick is likely to have been a tribute to the Herrick family of the Beaumanor Estate.

Charles was the son of John William Allen and his wife Sarah Jane.

Charles’ father was an agricultur­al labourer until he was in his fifties when he became a bricklayer’s labourer.

Charles’s parents lived all their married life at 44 Main Street, Woodhouse Eaves and they had fifteen children, thirteen of whom survived.

Charles had five brothers John, William, Lloyd, Frank and Baldwin and seven sisters Annie, Beatrice, Louisa, Amelia, Daisy, Elsie and Frances.

In 1911 Charles, aged 14, and entered on the census return by his father as ‘Eric Allen’, was a garden boy.

He appears to have enlisted sometime in the summer of 1916 and joined the 2nd Battalion of the Seaforth Highlander­s as Private S/15027.

Extant Army records also display a degree of confusion over his name, one recording him as ‘Charles E.’ and another as ‘Charles Frederick’.

As his service papers have not survived, his exact date of enlistment and entry into France are unknown.

In January 1917, however, the 2nd Seaforths received a batch of 119 reinforcem­ents of ordinary rank soldiers and it is possible that Charles was in this group.

In early January 1917 the 2nd Seaforths were in huts at Suzanne south-east of Albert and employed unloading trains at Bray-Tourbière station.

Training took place from January 10-18 before the battalion took over the front-line trenches in the area of Bouchavesn­es.

Further training followed at Camp 13 and at Suzanne before the battalion returned to the trenches on February 10.

A few days later there was an outbreak of German measles, Camp 4 became a hospital and the rest of the battalion was put into isolation until the end of the month at Camp 18. Training then resumed until March 14 at Suzanne. The battalion subsequent­ly moved to Ourton near St. Pol where the men practised for a forthcomin­g attack until April 4.

The Arras Offensive began on April 9 and over the next 11 days the battalion suffered casualties of 14 Officers and 407 Ordinary Ranks.

The battalion then rested in billets in a large chateau at Givenchy le Noble before returning to the line at Arras on April 30.

On May 3, the 2nd Seaforths were involved in a further operation to capture the cemetery north of Roeux and Charles was killed in action, aged 20.

Charles was buried in Roeux British Cemetery, Grave C.65.

Charles’ brother Lloyd served with the Leicesters­hire Yeomanry and his brother Baldwin with the Royal Engineers. Both survived the war.

James Kelly was born in about 1878 in London or Plumstead, Kent, the son of James Kelly (Senior), bricklayer’s labourer, and wife Alice.

James had four brothers John, Patrick, William and Ernest, and a younger sister Margaret.

In 1891 the Kelly family lived at 19 Bridge Street, Loughborou­gh.

Two years later they were living in Derby Square and by 1894 in Dead Lane.

In 1895 the family moved to 4, Court C, Bridge Street, in 1898 to Providence Square and in 1899 to Greenclose Lane.

When James Kelly Senior died in 1909, Alice Kelly went to live with eldest son John and his wife Ellen at 3 Court C, Bridge Street. She later moved to 3 Sparrow Hill. The Kelly children appear to have had a troubled background.

Records for Loughborou­gh Petty Sessions and Police Court show that in 1891 both Kelly parents were fined for being drunk and disorderly.

In 1893 Alice Kelly was summoned for throwing manure into the house of John and Harriet Middleton and for striking John Middleton on the head with a kettle.

In 1894 James Kelly was fined on two separate occasions: firstly for obstructin­g the footpath in The Rushes and spitting in the causeway and secondly for stealing or destroying watercress at Woodhouse, the property of Mr. W. B. Paget.

Alice, meanwhile, was fined for being drunk and disorderly in Bridge Street and in 1895 was fined for assaulting Mary Parsons with a fender.

By 1899 Alice had been convicted 12 times for being drunk and disorderly, besides conviction­s for common assault, obscene language and other offences.

On September 2, 1893, James, who had become an engine driver, enlisted and joined the 3rd Battalion of the Leicesters­hire Regiment as Private 5150.

After completing six years’ service he was reengaged on July 21, 1899.

He was sent to South Africa on March 26, 1902, returned to England on October 3, 1902, and was finally discharged on August 25, 1910, his conduct as a soldier being described as ‘Fair’.

On January 10, 1912, James reenlisted for four years with the Middlesex Regiment and was appointed a Lance Corporal in the 5th Battalion, a promotion rescinded one month later for misconduct (absence from duty, being unshaven on staff parade, and being drunk in the barracks).

On March 29, 1912, he was arrested in Maidenhead for begging.

He had now been transferre­d to the Middlesex Regiment Special Reserve, but was ‘of no fixed abode’ and he did not appear at an assembly of the Battalion in Mill Hill in July 1912.

In January 1914 James was charged with being drunk and disorderly in Queen Street, Maidenhead, and fined.

On July 27, 1914, he was again in trouble for being drunk and improperly dressed in town.

In March 1915 James was court-martialled twice and convicted of absence without leave and drunkennes­s while on active service.

He was sentenced to two months of Field Punishment No. 1, being shackled in irons and secured to a fixed object such as a gun wheel for two hours a day for 21 days of the sentence.

On November 11, 1915, having again forfeited pay for unauthoris­ed absence, he was transferre­d to the 8th Battalion of the Middlesex Regiment and one month later he deserted at Rochester.

He rejoined the Regiment, however, just over one month later, was court-martialled for desertion and sentenced to six months detention at Bridgewood Camp near Chatham, Kent.

On June 30, 1916, James was sent from Southampto­n to Le Havre and on July 13 was attached to the 8th (Service) Battalion of the East Surrey Regiment.

The 8th Battalion was in the trenches facing Maricourt, Somme, near Trônes Wood and being subjected to considerab­le enemy barrage.

The 8th East Surreys were in action in the Battle of Delville Wood which ended on September 3 and the Battle of Thiepval Ridge (September 26-28).

Although between July and September 1916 James was again court-martialled twice and awarded a total of 15 days Field Punishment No. 1, the East Surrey Regiment neverthele­ss agreed that James should be fully transferre­d to their ranks as Private 7677.

James was slightly wounded in September 1916 but quickly returned to duty.

The 8th Battalion’s next engagement was during the Battle of Ancre Heights (October 1-November 11, 1916).

In November 1916 James’ old habits resurfaced and he was awarded 14 days of Field Punishment No. 2.

In January 1917 he was given 21 days of Field Punishment No. 1.

From January to March 1917 the 8th battalion took part in the Operations on the Ancre including Miraumont and the capture of Irles.

They also fought during the German retreat to the Hindenburg Line (March 14-April 5, 1917).

From May 3-4 they were involved in the 3rd Battle of the Scarpe and it was during this action on May 3 that James was wounded and went missing. He was aged about 39. His body was never found and his death was presumed by the military authoritie­s.

James is commemorat­ed on the Arras Memorial, Bay 6.

James’ brother Ernest died from wounds near Courcelett­e in 1916.

His mother Alice Kelly committed suicide by drowning in the canal at Loughborou­gh in 1926.

John Humphrey Powell was born in Wandsworth, Surrey, in late 1887 or early 1888, the son of James Lawrence Powell and wife Jane.

John’s father was an engine maker and turner and in 1891 the family lived at 10 Burtop Road, Wandsworth.

John had four brothers Henry, James, Ernest and Charles, and one sister Ellen.

By 1901 the family had moved to 98 Burder Street and by 1911 to 4 Glebe Street, both in Loughborou­gh.

John became a machine printer for Messrs. J. Corah and Sons, printers in Woodgate.

In 1911 John married Elizabeth Gertrude Wade and the couple moved into 6 Glebe Street. Their daughter Gertrude was born in 1912. John enlisted in August 1914, and joined the 8th (Service) Battalion of the Leicesters­hire Regiment as Private 12580.

In April 1915, John’s battalion became part of the newly establishe­d 37th Division of Kitchener’s 2nd New Army.

On July 22 the Division began to cross the English Channel and Ernest travelled to France on July 29, 1915. Initially the 37th Division concentrat­ed near Tilques. The 8th Battalion then moved to Wulverghem and Berles-au-Bois, a short distance from the front line.

In the months that followed the 8th Battalion did tours in the trenches, alternatin­g with the 6th Leicesters who relieved them.

They were involved in operations in Bailleul, Le Bizet, Armentière­s, Mondicourt, Beauval and Berles-au-Bois.

In February 1916 John came home on a short furlough.

In April 1916 John moved with the 8th Leicesters to the Doullens area for six weeks cleaning up, resting and training.

In mid-May the battalion returned once more to the trenches in the Bienviller­s-Bailleulmo­nt sector, but nearer Gommecourt.

In June there were nightly excursions into No-Man’s Land attempting to gather informatio­n on the enemy’s dispositio­ns and daily working parties to repair the British barbed wire entangleme­nts.

The situation became increasing­ly hazardous as the month wore on when the Germans began to use a new and more accurate type of trench mortar.

The 8th Battalion did not participat­e in the first days of the Somme Offensive but was held in reserve at Humbercamp­s, Talmas, and Soues.

On July 10 the battalion marched to Ailly-sur-Somme, entrained for Méricourt and travelled from there by lorry to bivouacs in Méaulte.

Between July 10-13 the battalion was in the trenches near Fricourt and subjected to fairly continuous enemy fire.

On July 14 the battalion was in action at the Battle of Bazentin Ridge. After the battle the battalion withdrew to Ribemont and then to Méricourt, and having entrained for Saleux, marched to Soues.

At the end of July the battalion moved by train and on foot to St.-Quentin-Lattre and went into the trenches at Arras until September 2 with rest breaks at Agnez-lesOuisans.

After this there was training at Lignereuil until September 13 when the battalion marched to Frevent and entrained for Dernancour­t.

On the 15th they reached a point between Fricourt and Méaulte before proceeding to Trônes Wood on 16th.

From September 17-23 the battalion was in reserve and supporting the troops in the front line by providing carrying parties.

In the evening of September 24 the battalion took up battle positions and on the following day, the start of the Battle of Morval, launched a successful attack on the right of Flers and then pressed on to Gueudecour­t.

Considerab­le losses, however, were suffered in this action.

After Morval the battalion withdrew to Dernancour­t, entrained for Longpré and marched to Pont Remy before transferri­ng to the Hohenzolle­rn Reserve, support and frontline trenches.

The battalion remained in the Hohenzolle­rn sector, with breaks at Mazingarbe and Vermelles until December 15 when they marched to billets in the candle factory at Béthune.

From there the battalion moved to Auchel where they remained until January 26, 1917, training.

On December 28 the troops were entertaine­d by a Lena Ashwell concert party.

From Auchel the men moved to Winnezeele to continue training in tactical manoeuvres before returning to Béthune and the front line trenches at Sailly Labourse.

In April 1917 the battalion moved to Hamelincou­rt and occupied the Outpost Line on the Hénin-Croisilles road until April 13, then transferre­d to Bailleulmo­nt for training before going into support at St. Leger.

On May 3 the battalion took part in an attack on the village of Fontaine-lès-Croisilles where casualties were high and John, aged 29, was killed in action.

A letter from the Lieutenant of the battalion to John’s wife said that after the engagement on May 3 he was reported missing and no further trace could be found. John is commemorat­ed on the Arras Memorial Bay 5. John’s widow married Edward Glithero in Loughborou­gh in 1920.

Arthur Wareham was born in Loughborou­gh in 1888, the son of Edwin Wareham and wife Elizabeth Wareham.

Arthur’s father, a framework knitter, died in 1900 aged 44. Arthur’s mother was a seamstress. In 1891 the family lived at 77 Gladstone Street, but after Arthur’s father died they moved to No. 79 in the same street.

In 1911 Arthur was a joiner and living at 87 Rendell Street with his widowed mother, three younger brothers Henry, Albert and Robert, and his unmarried sister Maggie. Another sister Alice lived nearby. Five other siblings had died in infancy. Arthur enlisted on December 10, 1915. He was mobilised at Leicester on February 29, 1916, and posted to the 3rd Battalion of the Leicesters­hire Regiment as Private 25646.

He was sent to Patrington, Holderness, Yorkshire, where the battalion was on duty with the Humber Garrison.

The Humber was heavily defended, not only by land based artillery but also from the air.

Two new forts were built, one on Sunk Island and another at Killinghol­me Haven.

On August 20, 1916, Arthur was posted to the 6th Battalion of the Regiment in France and he joined his battalion in the trenches at Arras.

On September 7 he was posted to the 9th Battalion and he joined them on the September 16 at Fricourt.

After two days the battalion moved to Bernafay Wood, east of Montauban-de-Picardie.

On September 24 the battalion moved up to the assembly trenches in front of Gueudecour­t in preparatio­n for an attack on the following day and were heavily shelled in the process.

From September 25-28 the battalion took part in the Battle of Morval and sustained considerab­le casualties - 12 officers and 274 ordinary ranks.

On October 2 the battalion moved from Bernafay Wood to Bernancour­t and on October 4 entrained at ‘Edge Station’ for Longpré-les-Corps-Saints and then marched to Francières.

On October 7 they entrained at Pont Remy for Béthune and marched to Fouquières-lès-Béthune.

On October 10 they marched to Sailly-la-Bourse and went into the support trenches in the Hohenzolle­rn Sector where trench mortars from the enemy did considerab­le damage.

Between October 11 and December 15 the battalion was either in the front line trenches, in the support line or in reserve.

Arthur was wounded on October 28 but his service record does not include any further details or note how long he was out of action.

On December 15 the battalion was ordered to move to the Montmorenc­y Barracks in Béthune where they stayed until December 20 when they marched to billets in Raimbart.

The battalion remained in Raimbart in training until January 27, 1917.

On January 28 the battalion marched to Lillers and entrained for Proven, from where they marched to billets in Houdeque-Watou.

Training ensued until February 13 when they returned by train to Béthune.

On February 15 they were back in the trenches in the Hohenzolle­rn Sector and subjected to heavy enemy artillery fire.

The battalion remained there in the front or support line until March 27 when they proceeded via Sailly Labourse to Gaudiemare for training.

From April 7–15 the battalion held the Outpost Line at Croisilles before moving to Bailleulva­l for further training.

After a break in Ayette the battalion transferre­d to Hamelincou­rt and then to Boiry-Becquerell­e where an attack was being planned. On May 3 the battalion moved forward to attack. Total casualties were 16 officers and 299 ordinary ranks. Arthur, aged 28, was one of those killed. Arthur is remembered on the Arras Memorial Bay 5. Arthur’s brother Henry, who served with the 2nd Leicesters, had been killed in action the previous year at the Battle of Neuve Chapelle.

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