Leicester Mercury

Labour is spreading confusion over levy


THE misinforma­tion and confusion about the proposed workplace parking (WPL) suggests the Labour-run city council’s communicat­ion strategy has failed badly in some ways.

This communicat­ion strategy is not helped by the fact that Leicester Labour Party this year waved through Sir Peter Soulsby as its mayoral candidate unopposed, despite knowing the WPL was a major plank of his manifesto in the last election.

Indeed, he was democratic­ally elected, with a large percentage of the vote, promising to consult on the WPL.

Communicat­ion, listening and democracy should be key drivers in our council, ruling party and council leadership.

To reduce confusion, I can say as a disabled driver and disabled cyclist, the WPL is both practical and fair.

For example, Blue Badge holders are already exempted from the charge, and reduced congestion means the disabled can use their cars when they need to.

If employers choose to do so, more of their car park spaces can be Blue Badge-only.

Most importantl­y, though, Leicester Labour must not forget the public health emergency we all face on their watch.

Air pollution kills groups such as the elderly, disabled, low earners and children far more than any other groups, yet these groups often don’t drive and rely on buses.

How can that possibly be practical or fair?

We need the WPL in full, and we need the mayor and his team to do the right thing here for us all, not just car drivers.

No government, be they Labour, Lib Dem or Tory, has invested nearly enough in public transport, always blaming someone else for climate change or kicking the can down the road.

Indeed, inaction on climate change by Labour was why I left the party in despair more than 20 years ago and joined the Green Party.

Warm words about “all doing our bit for the environmen­t” are simply not enough any more: Labour in Leicester need to show real leadership here, act like leaders, or let others lead.

Mags Lewis, Leicester

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