Leicester Mercury

Dad began dealing in drugs after losing job


- By LEE GARRETT lee.garrett@reachplc.com @leegarrett­22

A FATHER-OF-THREE who turned to dealing drugs in lockdown has been jailed.

Harvey Yeomans, pictured, of Ashby Road, Boundary, started dealing after losing his job following a routine drug test, Derby Crown Court heard.

The 31-year-old was spotted by police driving a Kia Sportage in Woodville on April 8, heading to what turned out to be a drug deal.

The officer witnessed Yeomans pull in to a service station and engage in a deal with a van driver.

After being arrested, officers went to his home address.

“In the kitchen was a large quantity of cocaine,” prosecutor Melissa Morton told the court.

“There was 4.38g and a smaller chunk of white rock and then one large 74g rock as well as £515 in cash.

“In a bedroom were £24,360, designer clothes, shoes and watches.

“Receipts showed the shoes had cost thousands.”

Ms Morton said during police interviews, Yeomans, who had eight previous conviction­s, but none for drugs, admitted to selling class A material to make money.

In court, Yeomans pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply a class A drug and possession of criminal property. He was jailed for three years.

Directly addressing him, Recorder Charles Thomas said: “The reality of this offence is that you had been dealing drugs for one to two years and that began after things started to go wrong for you.

“You lost your job because you failed a drugs test and you chose to deal regularly on a constant basis.

“From it you were able to save in the region of £25,000 in cash and you carried on dealing.

“I have seen letters from members of your family who say you have a compulsion to accumulate money as a result of a personalit­y trait.”

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