Leek Post & Times

Laurie rewarded for his 100th Brough Park run


A BEAUTIFUL morning for the latest Brough Park C25K event, before which there was a presentati­on by Bryan Vigrass to Laurie Hinton for attending his 100th event.

From the dozen or so new entrants vying to take part Lara Goldstraw and daughter, Charley (4) ended after completing more than they had bargained for; originally planning to take part in the 1.5K the youngster ushered mother on to record 18.02 at the 2.2K line.

Another new pair, Nelson Jackson (9) and Evie Cooper (10) reached the line a stride apart from 18.30, the same amount behind Esmae Campbell (6) who covered most of the distance alongside them, with Charlie Beardmore (7) a handful ahead in a slower time.

Jo and Timothy Cordall ventured around the 3.6K route together and recorded 26.27, while Joni Williams, Charlotte Hine and Sarah Dyer clocked 22.40, 23.58 and 25.00 over this distance.

However, a trio of Newbies was even braver as they opted for the 5K with finish times of 23.16, 27.21 and 31.17 for Gary Dale, Tom Scott and Jane Daly, while Ollie Pennill (13) finished 30 seconds ahead of regular entrant Harvey Murfin (11) in the 2.2K, with the latter just a dozen from his best and 50 ahead of Ava Campbell (8) who was a similar amount away from her record.

Three-year-old Susanna Waters joined siblings, Eleanor (8), Simeon (6) and father, Kevin who had completed an inaugural 2.2K in the last event.

The youngster sprinted happily to the 800m line in an even seven minutes as Izabella Carney (5) and mother, Heidi clocked around 10.04.

Ben Frost (13) preceded the newbie in 4.25 with Sara Phillips a minute behind having overcome the hill for the first time and gained a PB of almost half that amount.

Meanwhile, Eleanor Waters (8) chipped a second from her previous time over the 2.2K in 16.42 alongside Caiden Geens (5), as her brother Simeon and father Kevin added another lap and recorded 24.23, with Arthur Coleman (9) finishing in between in his first event.

Maddie Cooper (14) and Kerry Banner followed up with gains of 46 and 40 seconds in 17.08 and 17.45, as Tallulah Shaw (15) chopped five minutes from hers. Meanwhile, Reuben Cooper (12) brought along father, Jon to join him in his second event, however, the junior slowed by almost a minute alongside Connie Statham (8), while father pushed on to finish the same amount ahead in 13.46.

The main group was led throughout by Isaac Elkington to match his last event time in 19.59 and 30 seconds from his best, with Martin Pigott almost 140 seconds in arrears with James Lockett a little more than half that further behind.

Dan Knowles was just over a dozen seconds in front of Jamie Carney in 24.05, while Lacie Lloyd (11) reduced her inaugural best by a minute to 24.23, with v60, Steve Bourne 10 seconds adrift as he chopped a dozen from his last and best.

Three juniors started alongside the adults; Lucas Rowley (10) and Ryley Hulme (11) completed the full distance in slower times of 25.39 and 26.45, while Ben Geens (9) reached the line in 27.15.

John Lagan teamed up with Charlotte Statham to reach the tape in a joint 26.06, which was a ton away from their similar records.

Richard Warrilow reached the finish just a score from his record in 28.30, while Mark Clews reduced his last event best by over a minute and a stride behind, as Jan Percival slowed from her best by over a minute to 28.55.

Sarah Garde crossed the line to score from her best in 31.57 and a minute ahead of Alison Dodd who almost matched her last event time, while Dawn Brown was a score away from her last event in 35.45, with Suzanne Mellor returning after six-month absence to record 35.56.

Matthew Copeland lowered his last event best time in the 2.2K by a score to 9.53 as he led Harry Durber to the line by slightly more than a handful of seconds; the latter lowering his previous time by well over a minute.

Ten-year-old Arthur

Campbell recorded 14.20 which was slower than his last and only a dozen ahead of sister, Lilia (10) who reduced her best by a score and two dozen ahead of father, John who lowered his last and best by the same amount, with mother Helen improving by two score to 15.30.

Seven-year-old Harry Arnold led his family group home in 15.29 with mother Hannah carrying Lily (2) on her back alongside Eva (5) to reduce their last event best by a couple and half-a-dozen seconds.

Steph Beardmore upped her distance and recorded a 16.03 time, while Rosie Carter (5) was enjoying her return with a slightly slower 17.36, and V60, Jayne Wharmby was only a stride away from lowering her month-old best in 19.05, with Sarah Bailey and Lynne Dempster clocking slightly slower times and a stride adrift as Jack Robinson (10) finished slightly over the 20 minute mark.

Four-year-old Dexter Cook returned to the 1.5K after a three-event absence and was accompanie­d by father Dan to record a PB of almost a ton with a time of 10.39, while it was the turn of v70, Bill Mould to escort granddaugh­ter, Sophie Hinton (5) through the distance, which they completed together in 11.51 and just short of a score away from the youngster’s best, while his daughter, Rebecca was drawn around by son Laurie (8) who lowered his 2.2K best by almost that same amount and double that ahead in 10.43.

Hannah Patterson dropped back by fourscore over the 3.6K from her month-old best as she finished 30 seconds ahead of Maria Arapi who improved on her last event inaugural time by six seconds in 22.14.

Ned Cook (6) surprised mother, Ruth after deciding to continue onwards at the cutoff point to lower their fiveweek-old last at this distance by seven minutes.

 ??  ?? There was a presentati­on by Bryan Vigrass to Laurie Hinton for attending his 100th event at Brough Park, Leek.
There was a presentati­on by Bryan Vigrass to Laurie Hinton for attending his 100th event at Brough Park, Leek.

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