Leek Post & Times

Fun in the sun as runners make most of the weather


IT was a fantastic summer’s morning that greeted the entrants for the latest Brough Park Couch to 5K, dry underfoot, a slight breeze and a warm temperatur­e for an early Bank Holiday weekend warm-up.

The Tapley family returned after almost a year away due to varying reasons.

Mother Nicky was testing her mobility following a leg injury and ambled around the 800m route with daughter, Lottie (4) to finish almost a minute ahead of Joshua Eames (8) in 5.08.

The latter was followed almost a dozen short of 200 seconds later by his friend, Lewis Mason (9), as the Carney trio, Heidi and daughters, Keira (12) and Izabella (5) completed the distance alongside each other in 10.54.

The Fernandes brothers, Ethan (13), Oliver (10) dropped down to join Dominic (8) in the 1.5K for the first time in this distance and despite being almost a ton apart from the elder’s 8.28, the youngest gained a PB of four seconds.

Ten-year-old Toby Noble was another who made a return and recorded an even 10 minutes, with Steph Beardmore finishing six minutes after the youngster and Sara Phillips crossing the line in between, with a 12.39 time.

Nine-year-old Lucas Rowley varies his distances week-onweek and dropped back down to the 2.2K distance to finish in a similar time to his last and 10 seconds ahead of another improved record for Dannielle Errico, reducing her PB by a baker’s dozen on this occasion to 11.16.

Jan Percival dropped down from her usual full distance as a warm-up, prior to a 5K event at the Alexander Stadium, Birmingham the following day, and recorded an even 12 minute time and a new best for this event.

There was a reduction of almost 100 seconds for Rebecca Neale who completed the event in 12.39, a handful behind Alex Poulton as she crossed the line alongside daughter Charlotte (8).

Joseph Lockett (12) matched his last event time in 12.58 which was almost two minutes slower than his best, while Maria Arapi reduced her record by three seconds as she followed a little more than a handful behind.

While many entrants take several weeks to overcome the mental challenge ‘the hill’ poses them, Megan Walton took it in her stride and recorded 13.16 for her inaugural effort, a good dozen ahead of Harvey Murfin who was much slower on this occasion.

Arthur Campbell (10) reached the line in 14.32 which was almost a minute ahead of Freddie Hales (5), with Kirsty Mudd and Lisa Walker following a few seconds behind the former to return PBS of 33 and 13 seconds - ‘the hill’ getting to Kirsty way before that challenge presented itself.

There was a 15.46 finish time for Charlie Beardmore (7) in his first event which was a handful ahead of Rosie Carter (5) who seems to be enjoying her freedom as she pipped Toby Poulton (11) on the line, with Jonathan Campbell following 10 seconds behind.

Eleven-year-old Lucas Errico slowed by almost three minutes compared to his last event best in 18.39, which was a score ahead of v60, Jayne Wharmby who reduced her quickest by two dozen, and half that ahead of Sarah Brindley’s first event time.

Ava Campbell (8) reached the tape alongside Eva Arnold (4) and mother, Hannah - with youngster, Lilia (2) on her back - in 19.20, the latter trio being slowed by an upset Eva, with Esmae Campbell (6) a stride behind at the line.

The other half of the Tapley family, Alastair and Eleanor (9) reached the tape in 19.36 and two minutes ahead of Lilia (12) and Helen Campbell.

Cheadle Running Club’s Gareth Knapper, having had a good season to date, in addition to 15th place in the Leek Half Marathon and a mid-week club event, fronted the 5K distance from the off to increase his initial lead lap by lap.

There was a second-place finish for Daniel O’neill in 22.08 with a PB of two dozen and 30 seconds ahead of Steve Massey who reduced his last week’s time by a ton but was still a minute from his best.

Adam Knott followed-up his inaugural event with a reduction of well over 150 seconds to 22.59 and two score ahead of Jamie Carney who finished less than minutes from his record.

Newbies, Tom Greenwood and Bobby Dawson’s saw them a stride apart in their first event around the 24.02 mark, with Kiberly Sheldon recording 25.14 and Emma Greenwood 28.38.

In between Lauren Ferns reduced her last event record by two dozen to 24.07, while John Green was three minutes behind his seven-month-old, last event time in 24.11; as Steve Bourne almost matched his last event time and was just a dozen from his best in 25.44, with John Lagan a minute behind to chip 10 seconds from last time and a score ahead of Ryley Hume (11) who was two minutes away from his last month’s record.

Gemma Hurst, Nick Beeby and Hazel Mycock paced around together, but were unable to match their recent records as they were spread around the 27.20 mark, with Alex Spragg two score behind having reduced her best by 16 seconds to 28.03 and two dozen ahead of Dannielle Birch who was just two seconds from her last event record.

Matthew Hales released son Freddie at the cut-off point to continue on to the full distance and record 29.42 which was around two dozen ahead of Deb Beachell who reduced her last event best by a score to 30.08, with Nicola Wealleans following on a similar amount adrift to chop four dozen off her last and best, as Sandra Jeffery followed a minute away from her two-month-old quickest in 31.15.

Helen Finney returned after more than six months absence to record a much sedate time of 31.43, which was almost four-score ahead of a slower time for Alison Dodd with Diane Carter a score behind.

 ??  ?? Members of Leek Hockey Club attended the latest Brough Park event as part of their pre-season training routine, while below, Cheadle’s Gareth Knapper fronted the 5K distance to continue his good run of form.
Members of Leek Hockey Club attended the latest Brough Park event as part of their pre-season training routine, while below, Cheadle’s Gareth Knapper fronted the 5K distance to continue his good run of form.
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