Leek Post & Times



AN IPSTONES woman is stepping out for Cancer Research during March.

Michelle Johnston-james has taken on a mammoth challenge of completing 20,000 steps every day from March 1 to March 31 in aid of Cancer Research.

On March 31 she will have completed 310 miles, equivalent to 12 marathons.

To complete the challenge Michelle gets up each day at 4.30am to get ready to go to the gym where she steps out on a treadmill before work. At dinner times she walks around Leek and then at night she takes a walk around her village.

Michelle said: “It’s 10 years this year since our lives changed forever. My mum got diagnosed with incurable Primary Peritoneal Cancer.

“Sadly after almost five long years of fighting this disease with pure determinat­ion and dignity my mum lost her battle and we lost her. I know cancer affects all of us in some way. It chooses to take life’s good people for some reason! In the time mum was being treated she did take part in Cancer Research trials that were funded by the Cancer Research charity.

“Who knows if they extended the precious time we had with mum but the average prognosis for her type of cancer is 18 months to two years and we got to treasure mum for nearly five. Cancer treatment is evolving all of the time, and hopefully one day we will see a cure. It really effected me when my mum died.

“Now it feels like the right time for me to give something back to a charity in memory of my mum and for other people who have been taken from us and also for the people left behind, who’s hearts have been broken and lives turned upside down. For anyone who knew my mum they will know that she was always keen to give back to those that helped her and my dad, so in her memory, this is my time to help raise some funds for such a worthy cause!

“Steps for me are a massive challenge as I sit down all day doing an office job! Recently I have become much more active and have been setting myself the challenge of 10,000 steps a day, so 20,000 steps will be an amazing achievemen­t and something that won’t be easy for me to do!

“During this month I will be doing 20,000 steps a day, the equivalent of about 10 miles of walking! Over the course of the month I will have walked 310 miles, which is the distance of walking from London to Manchester and then back again!

“This isn’t just for my mum, it’s for every single person who this disease has affected in one way or another!”

Michelle, 38, set a target of £500 to raise, but already she has raised more than £3,500 so a figure of £5,000 is in sight.

She added: “Every day I chose a different theme for my walk. This could be a place or something to do with a person.”

To donate go to www.justgiving.com/fundraisin­g/for-paulinex.

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Michelle stepping out along Belmont Road in Ipstones.

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