Leek Post & Times

Spot the difference at parents evening!

- By Les Jackson leslie.jackson@reachplc.com

STAFF at The Faber Catholic Primary School in Cotton found themselves in a rather unusual situation at their latest parents evening.

The date clashed with World Book Day, for which they had agreed to express their love of the 1956 novel 101 Dalmatians by coming in fancy dress – this meant having to sit through parents evening dressed as spotty dogs.

Principal Lisa Machin said: “It is the custom to celebrate World Book Day by asking children and staff to come dressed as book characters.

“Our parents evening date was set last August for the coming academic year – so we didn’t want to move it.

“Fortunatel­y, our parents were extremely understand­ing, found the whole situation hilarious and completely understood the sentiment. Some even wished they had joined in and come in costume themselves!

“The children all enjoyed coming to school dressed as their favourite book characters – they had put so much effort into their costumes.

“I was amazed to see such diversity of authors portrayed. The children’s enthusiasm was electric and the day gave us the chance to really share our love of books and of reading. I think the clash of dates added a sense of amusement to the whole day. Reading is such an important part of growing up, it is important to keep it fun as well, something that I think we certainly achieved this year.”

The school has also honoured World Cup and Stoke City goalkeeper Gordon Banks.

On Monday, March 4, in honour of Gordon Banks’ funeral and in celebratio­n of his life, staff and pupils wore Stoke City shirts or football kit.

Pupils recognised his achievemen­t of doing what he loved best.

As a school, everyone awarded him a minute’s applause in celebratio­n of his life and achievemen­ts.

In addition the older children presented their Gordon Banks fact files following home learning research.

 ??  ?? Above, left and below, children at Faber Catholic Primary dress up as their favourite literary characters for World Book Day.
Above, left and below, children at Faber Catholic Primary dress up as their favourite literary characters for World Book Day.

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