Leek Post & Times

Events round-up


CHECKLEY: The Friends of St Mary and All Saints Church, Checkley, present an evening with Breeze and Wilson at Checkley Community Centre on Saturday, March 30,

7.30pm. Tickets £8 including Pie and pea supper, raffle and bar. Proceeds towards the church. Tickets from Brian Morley 01538 723303; Jim Wood 01538 723576 or email jwoodtean@aol.com.

KINGSLEY: On Saturday, April 6, St Werburgh’s Church, Kingsley, are welcoming the North Staffs Accordion Band for a concert at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £7.50p (including light refreshmen­ts) from 01538 754842 or 07715 973788.

CHEADLE: Cheadle Lions’ next event will be a quiz at the Swan, Town End this Saturday, March 23, with all the proceeds going to support the Lions’ charitable causes.

The quiz starts at 8pm and costs £2 per person, ideally with four per team but with a maximum of six.

Cheadle Lions’ Easter Eggs are also being raffled off – buy a ticket to try and win the eggs.

LEEK: A talk by Roy Hewson on the history of the Britannia Building Society will take place tomorrow, March 21, 7.30pm at St Luke’s Church Hall, Fountain Street, Leek. Admission is free, with the talk organised by The Brindley Mill Preservati­on Trust.

ONECOTE: An Illustrate­d Talk by Pat Mood - Picking Olives in Palestine: A Journey of Discovery – will take place at Onecote

Village Hall tomorrow, March 21, 7.30pm. Tickets cost £4 including refreshmen­ts and will be available on the door.

GRINDON: A Benefice Holy Communion Mothering Sunday service is to be held at All Saints’ Church, Grindon on March 31 at 11am. IPSTONES: A grocery bingo is to be held in aid of Ipstones and Foxt senior citizens on Friday, March 29, in Ipstones Memorial Hall. Doors open at 7pm with eyes down at 8pm.

ONECOTE: A bingo night will take place on Thursday, March 28 in Onecote Village Hall. Doors open at 7.15pm with eyes down 8pm.

There will be quality groceries, cash and shopping voucher prizes, as well as free refreshmen­ts in the interval to include homemade cakes and biscuits.

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