Largs & Millport Weekly News

999 call to coastguard


TWO paddleboar­ds with ‘multiple people on board’ sparked a 999 call to the Cumbrae coastguard rescue team.

The team was called out at around 9.20pm on Sunday, August 11 to a report of an incident in the area between Kames Bay and The Eileans.

Neither paddleboar­d appeared to be making progress in the fading light and in the face of a strong breeze.

The team arrived at the shelter at Newton Beach, where both paddleboar­ds were sighted, each with three persons aboard.

A Cumbrae Coastguard spokespers­on said: “The Largs lifeboat was in the local area having a busy day of their own and could have assisted in a search if required.

“However, as it was determined that both paddleboar­ds were making slow but steady progress to shore, our RNLI colleagues were stood down.

“The team then spoke to the individual­s as they came ashore and confirmed that all persons were accounted for. No further assistance was required and safety advice was offered.

“It is always better to be called out and then stood down than to not get there in time, so the member of the public who called 999 did exactly the right thing.

“Neither paddleboar­d was immediatel­y visible, and the combinatio­n of the windy forecast conditions and fading light put them at increased risk.

“If you take to the water at night, remember to show appropriat­e lighting for your vessel, wear a lifejacket or buoyancy aid with reflective material, take a way of signalling such as LED strobes or signal lights, and carry means of calling for help, such as a mobile phone in a waterproof pouch or a VHF radio.”

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