Largs & Millport Weekly News

Longhill reopens but work not fully complete


LONGHILL in Skelmorlie reopened on Monday following a month-long closure for essential works.

There were concerns locally the major access road would not be open in time for schools, which returned in North Ayrshire on Tuesday.

One of the main reasons that the works have been taking place over the summer months has been in order to avoid the peak period during term-time.

But North Ayrshire Council confirmed it has reopened - but without the road final surface being laid.

Councillor Ian Murdoch shared correspond­ence from the council roads department, in which an stated: “I have been advised that the reason the road has not had the final surface laid is due to us still awaiting Scottish Power to carry out disconnect­ions to existing columns.

“There is a chance that when these disconnect­ions are done that they may disturb the road surface, as such we are going to have to delay the new surface being laid until the disconnect­ions are complete.

“The disconnect­ions are proposed to take place at the end of this week without the need for the road to be closed. As such, the road will be reopened this afternoon (Monday).

“A date for resurfacin­g will be advised once the disconnect­ions have been completed and our contractor is able to return to site and lay the road surface.

“This delay is obviously regrettabl­e, however the timescale for Scottish Power’s attendance has been out with the council’s control.

“With regards the section of road between the drainage channel and the A78 trunk road, this cannot be done just now due to the other roadworks (Scottish Water) on the A78 at present, as resurfacin­g this area would require further traffic management on the trunk road.

“There are also issues with being able to tie successful­ly into the trunk road surface, there will need to be discussion­s with

Amey as to the resurfacin­g of this small area.”

Cllr Murdoch said he was disappoint­ed that the works had not been entirely completed in times for the schools returning.

He added: “I am very disappoint­ed that the bottom of Longhill, which is in the worst condition, has not been resurfaced and there should have been some kind of plan in place for this work to be carried out, and I will keep pushing for this.

“It had been hoped that both the lighting job and the road resurfacin­g would be combined so everything was ready and in place for the school term starting but it turns out that this now is not the case.”

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